Bill Whittle explains the links between Political Correctness, Cultural Marxism, and the Frankfurt School

Whittle was one of the first people to switch to a podcast, which annoyed me greatly because Eject!Eject!Eject! had been one of my favorite blogs, well written and each post as long as it needed to be. It was a joy to read. Then Whittle moved over to PJ Media, which really never lived up to its promise as a collection of conservative bloggers. So he fell off of my "must-read" list.

Just in case you haven't heard me whine about it before, I take in information much better by reading; in addition to being able to refer back to the material. I really don't like informational video ;>

It looks like I missed a good one. Whittle explains leftist subversion; starting by comparing the cases of Rodney King and Kenneth Gladney (see SEIU Thugs Cleared in Brutal Gladney Beatdown). Gladney's attackers being tried in front of a Democratic Party judge and a Democratic Part DA, BTW.

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