"Fake News" and the Political Class

The pollster Rasmussen referred to the collection of politicians, burrocrats, academics, and so-called "journalists" that think they have the right to run this country as they please, "the political class". This can include those working in NGO's funded by the taxpayer, and those corporate honchos who put politics in adherence to the "Political Class" over their own bottom line. The "class" includes members of both parties.

Although most of us are aware of the perfidy of many Republicans, who can not really be considered as right-wing in any objective measure of the term, I will throw out yet one more example of their protection of their "class":
House Republicans derail impeachment effort against IRS commissioner

It was more important for those Congressmen to protect their one of their own than to punish a government official for lying to them (in reality, for lying to the American people). Let that sink in deeply.

No Memory Holes at THIS Ministry of Truth. Nothing to see here. Move along, people

Let us not forget that the bulwark of information control is via the mass media, a mass media with full membership in the "Political Class". From the fake polls which guaranteed a Clinton win (wait, I need to pause for a moment - HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH - OK, let's move on) to the editing of recorded media in the Zimmerman case (in order to create racial discord), the mass media has been THE fountain of "fake news" in this country. This is proven through such scandals as the DNC email leaks and the exposure of Journolist.

So, with their own dishonesty on full display, and with the electoral failure they suffered as a result of them beclowning themselves, what is the only strategy left to them?

‘Fake News’ Outrage Is All About Restoring Power To Elites

I know, let's call everybody ELSE liars! The stratgey that worked so well for them by calling everyone else sexists and racists. That trick didn't work after they exported the higher paying jobs overseas, and then imported cheap labor to compete for the lower paying jobs: you can't call someone a racist for complaining that your policy destroyed their work opportunities, and then expect them to trust your judgement and honesty.

But here they go again.

Megyn Kelly On Trump And The Media: 'We're In A Dangerous Phase Right Now'

Poor little Me-Again, with all those death threats against her (and of course no proof). It's almost as if her shilling is a propaganda stunt! No, it, CAN'T be that!

I as concerned for Kelly's safety and prosperity to the same extent as she and the rest of the Political Class are concerned for the safety and prosperity of taxpaying and patriotic Americans.

There is a quote that I love to throw out at every opportunity:

The obligation of subjects to the sovereign is understood to last as long, and no longer, than the power lasteth by which he is able to protect them.
Thomas Hobbes, “Leviathan”

If I was a member of the "Political Class". I'd take my kickback and slink away quietly. There is a worldwide backlash and the do-gooding and rent-seeking these parasites have indulged themselves have damaged the security and prosperity of nations for which the politicians and the burrocrats, at least, were charged with protecting. Honest and basically non-violent people have a limit to the theft and personal pain they will suffer. Heaven forbid that the "Political Class"might end up on the same lamp post Mussolini did.

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