My new generic reponse template for leftist trolls

I haven't been hit by a troll in a long time, but I got one today.

Same old talking points, same knee-jerk defense of the democong at any cost, same pompous, long-winded, and convoluted lecture which had little to do with the post (and showing that the idiot hadn't bothered reading it to begin with)...
...same boring shit.

I don't really care if it's a true believer or a shareblue deceiver; it's a waste of time to debate with this type. they could be Jew-haters or leftists or leftists pretending to be anarchists. A waste of time.

Now, I have run across two or three leftists here that I think are honest in their approach. So not everybody that disagrees with me is a shill. But somebody that calls your points bullshit without addressing them first, and then goes into some twisted rant on a target which is nowhere in the post? THAT is a shill, or perhaps a loon. A waste of time.

So I have prepared a copy/paste response to these poltroons, and I thought I'd post here first. I'll need to kick up another one for natsoc trash as well...and by the way...National Socialists are leftist, as well, but on a different level of brain malfunction.

My New Template

Welcome to my post. I see you didn't take the time to read it, so I'm not going to bother reading too much of the thesis you've posted here.

In fact, since you've copy/pasted your ideas, let me return the the favor. I've had this prepared especially for you...because you're special ;>

Let's start with your leftism, or your support for the criminally corrupt and anti-American Democrat Party...

Wait, let me back up...the likelihood (based on the numerous and identical comments your comrades have spawned here before) is that you are here to defend the Democrats.

I'll call em the democong, since we both know that this is the more leftward of the two parties in America...and since I know you missed any of the anti-republican party context in my post (again, we return to the point that you didn't read the post)... you know the center-left party that votes with the democong on any restriction on American liberty or proposal that sinks it's parasitical fangs into American prosperity.

  • You trust the media...the same people that cried on TV when the Queen of Corruption got booted by the American people...the same corrupt, criminal,Clinton the media assured you (based on the D+10 to the ridiculous D+40 polling samples they took) had a 90% chance of winning. I have a hard time not laughing in your face that you rely on the objectivity and the credibility of this media.

  • You don't factor in data that might upset your Narrative. Comey had financial ties to the Clinton Foundation, MCabe's wife took $700,000 from the Democrats, Priestap's wife was a Clinton donator, Strzok talked of an "insurance" policy against Trump. All of these men defended Clinton on an open and shut violation of the Espionage Act, and all of them participated in the "investigation" of Trump. None of that has any influence on your thinking. Conflict of interest? What's that?

  • You don't actually do anything to support the things you say you believe in. You say you want to help the poor, but no one sees you volunteer. You complain about "systemic racism", but no one has ever seen you give up your own jobs or educational opportunities to minorities. For all your caterwauling about immigrants, you don't take them into your own houses. Extra-special bonus for white leftists that want "white genocide"...Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

  • You demand tolerance for your own ideas, but have none for those opinions not in lockstep with your own. It's not just that you ignore the 100 million deaths associated with socialism...that's not socialism!11!...but that you refuse to look at any reasons everyone else might put genocide and leftism in the same sentence.

  • Speaking of those 100 millions corpses your ideology has left laying around, I'll note that you refuse to take any responsibility for any policy failures. Obamacare failed before the Obamessiah left office; no it didn't. The Arab Spring left more tyrannies than before in the Middle East; Bush's fault. Unemployment was higher in the black community at the end of Obama's two terms than it was before he was elected; RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST!

  • You don't give a damn about rule of law. Sure, you'll sue or jail anyone who disagrees with you, but law is a tool to beat your enemies down with, not a method for stable government or the protection of American rights. We both know you've never read the Constitution, or have the slightest clue as to why it defines our system of government in the way it was written. But Hillary won the popular vote...REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

It is for these reasons that I don't really care if you are a true believer or a shareblue deceiver. It doesn't matter. It is a waste of time to discuss anything with you that does not reinforce this view of yourself as morally and intellectually superior to those that disagree with you.

Now get on a rickety raft and float your ass off to a socialist paradise like Cuba ;>

End Template

Image Source - Yawn

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