Poloniex DOWN... hopefully not OUT!

The woes of Polo continue

I tried to log into Poloniex this morning and got the following message:

Screen Shot 2017-07-01 at 09.45.42.png

I checked their Twitter. No update. However looking at the poloniex hashtag feed on Twitter it appears numerous users have been experiencing the same problem.


More troubling than the issues is the lack of communication. DDOS attacks come with the territory with crypto exchanges. As does system downtime. However when an exchange starts to go dark on communication to its user, that is usually a red flag.

Race against time

Like many users, I've been trying to withdraw what I can from Poloniex on a daily basis. The warning signs have been there for a while. Thankfully most of what I had on the exchange is off of it.

This is not financial advice... however it would seem prudent to limit any exposure you have on Poloniex for the foeseeable future.

Never has the maxim "do not invest (or trade), what you cannot afford to lose" been more true than now!

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