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How to offer your funds on the stock exchange in debt to other traders:

  1. Make sure that the trading account is free (not engaged in open orders) means any support for the lending currency (supported only BTC, DASH, LTC, XMR, XRP).
  2. To go to Transfer balances or to transfer the necessary amount from the trading account to the account to credit (for normal and margin trading and loans to three separate accounts each with a balance).
  3. Log in Lending and create a bid indicating a percentage (daily), amount, term of the loan (from 2 days) and optional auto-renewal after the expiry.
  4. After creating an offer, it will get the list of My Open Loan Offers
  5. After another trader to take advantage of your offer will also appear in My list of Active Loans.

Under 0.049% trial polbita took over 3 minutes later try to set at a higher percentage.

update: below 0.1% too take, but reluctantly and after we rake all the competing offers below 0.1%.


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