3 words of advice to not giving up!

Everyone has been to a point in their life where they just had enough and would have thrown in the towel to life's challenges. It can be from challenges in school, work, family, hopes and dreams. We've all been tired we've been burned out but under no circumstance is there a valid reason to give up! Here are 3 tips to never give up and stay positive!

Numbah 1!

When backed into a corner draw your sword out and remember who you are!


The feeling of giving up makes us cringe and often puts us in a difficult spot to fight back. We feel hope is lost and that giving up is the only logical thing to do. DO NOT FALL FOR IT! Draw out your sword, which is who you are! Fight back! Remember your mission, your purpose, your hopes and dreams! Your family and your self! You can't afford to give up!

Ever wonder why in lion king the solution was for Simba to remember who he was? Often we give up or don't do the things we are supposed to or destined to do, the culprit being a loss of who we are. Don't lose it, remember it and fight!

Numbah 2!

You are never alone! Power up with one other!


Remember this, you are never alone! You have your family and friends! You have God with you! You are never in a losing battle as long as you know your allies. As long as you know you don't have to do it by yourself. When you find yourself tired and ready to quit, take time to recharge. Power up and listen to advice. The council of many people may not always lead to all the voices being correct, but you are bound to hear one that is just right for you! Other people may also be the solution themselves!

Numbah 3!

Go for it! Reach for the skies!


A friend of mine said that if a quiz had 10 items and 5 is the passing score, never aim for 5. Aim for 10! That way should you fail at getting ten, there is a bigger chance of getting 5 and above! Same with you! Often the reason we think it's easy to give things up is because we fail to dream big dreams! We skip going after the awesome goals! Dream on! Go for it and reach for the skies! It really isn't hard, dreaming it is the first step, after that, remember tips 1 and 2...repeat, repeat, consistency! You WILL get there!

If the dream is worth it, GO FOR IT!

Hope you guys get a boost out of this post and fall inlove with the gunplas here! Stay positive! Have a good one!

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