NEW SONG Fighter, It's more than staying positive - Battling Depression and Anxiety

Hey Guys I am here to talk about a topic that has been so close to my heart as I actually experience it every single day. I am what you would call a recovering patient from Anxiety and Depression. I just confirmed it early this year and have been battling it for a while now. I would say in this battle I am on the winning side and it is because of a number of reasons. This is also my second entry for the popcontest, why am do I want to go through this topic? Because I want to help in STEEMIT becoming a safe and positive place for people with Depression, Anxiety and any form of sickness! Let the Positive Truth Come to life!

Here are my tips and what I actually apply to battle and manage my Anxiety and Depression

  1. Trust in the Lord

1 Peter 5:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
(New International Version - NIV)

If you are reading this, please know that I really do not care for religion but rather in my relationship with God. If you happen to "not"believe in God then at least cast your anxiety and burdens to someone you trust. Remember the greatest lie these 2 notorious mental illness is that you have to be ashamed of it. Know that this disease will not get the best of you but you cannot handle it all by yourself. You are not alone.


  1. Surround yourself with family and friends

In relation to the first point, this one is to a more extensive degree. There will always be people with different backgrounds and it is needed for one who has the mental circumstance to get different ideas. Be mindful to filter them though. For this tip I really surrounded myself with people who wanted me to get better. They were a hug source of encouragement and positivity. WIll it cure me? No, but it allowed me to keep moving forward.


  1. Do something you love

Never forget the things you are passionate about! They will help you refocus yourself and eventually lead you to your niche and the place where you will be blessed the most. For me it was music. Writing songs and playing music. I actually quit on it for a time and I can definitely say that those were some of the darkest times of my life. I basically denied who I was. This is the perfect entry point for anxiety and depression to whisper lies to you. Don't let it happen.


  1. Keep yourself busy

You might be asking, how is this different from point number 3? Point number 3 is basically like doing something you need, since you love it. This one is about doing something you want, or something new. For me it was revisiting an old hobby of mine, GUNPLA or Gundam Plastic Model. I enjoy putting together kits and watching my progress on how good I get with them. I do have to admit that I am a fan of the Gundam series. This is also a very practical tip since anxiety and depression like to creep in the most when your mind is blank. With a new or revisited hobby, you are actually busy and productive. You can also focus on doing a good job at work in case a hobby isn't in your bucket list.


Other practical tips (which I would not strongly recommend due to the dangers of some of them):

  1. Take your medicine
    -If you have a strong case of anxiety and depression then please take your doctor prescribed medicine. However please still try the tips above, the more you depend on medicine, the higher the doses you will eventually need and it just keeps getting more expensive from there. Think about what happens if you don't get your fix.

  2. Eat food that induce happy causing properties like Bananas, chocolate, berries and etc. You can google tons of them!

  3. Rest
    -Never underestimate rest. A good sleep, time spent doing the 4 original tips can really go a long way.

Hope this helps and keeps us all positive! I know it is really helping me out! I also have a song I want to share with you all. I composed this one during my depression and it is an honest song on how I was and how I was looking forward to a better tomorrow. Hope you guys get blessed by this song titled Fighter.

Feel free to upvote, resteem, comment and follow me! I will be more than happy to do the same! :D

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