A Night To Remember - Story of My Life

"Wake up! Study" I heard a whisper to my ear. I jumped from my bed and looked around. There was no one of course as I was alone in my room. I looked at the clock on the wall, it's 1 am... my hair stands. I thought to myself, "I must study now", I was tired after office and overslept while reading books. I was doing my Mass Comm Degree part time and it was a super tiring thing juggling my life between work and study. My office was so far away from my house, daily I have to drive 120km in total. I always felt like quitting because I cannot take it anymore. The next day was the first day of the final exam for my first semester, so it was very important to study and that I need to obtain a good GPA that would carry till the end of my study.

After reading few pages, I didn't feel like studying so I switched on the television and watched a programme. I was so engrossed in it for like half an hour and have no intention to continue my reading. Suddenly there was a loud sound "POP!" The TV just kind of burn inside and there was this burning smell of smoke coming out of the TV. I quickly switched off the power. OMG! I thought to myself, this is the result of being stubborn. First the whisper and now this one. And so to my panicking in the moment of time, I just pray "My dear God okay I got your point, I promise I will study hard from now on."


Thanks to this miracle night that made me changed to become serious and focus student. And that's the turning point and the start of my flying colors and I completed my degree among those top students in my batch. Can you imagine 38 subjects in 5 years-part time? By the time I completed my degree, half of the class either failed or quit and that's tougher to motivate me and to keep going and believing in myself that I can achieve this. But all is well in the end.

Me (second from left) and my classmates during convocation time

Although this story happened many years back, that night was a special night to remember. To this day I have always believed that God is watching over us and guiding us to the right path. I have no one in my life that time. Living alone by myself, have made me a loner without anyone to guide me or turn to for advice. But my story has proven that we are never alone in this world. Everything happens for a reason and that everything will be alright eventually. Keep Believing, Keep Striving, Keep Praying... Yours truly, ainie

This is my entry for the popcontest #24 held by @karenmckersie sharing the power of positivity.

Feel free to participate, check out the rules here:

This contest is curated and sponsored by @karenmckersie. Thank you so much @karenmckersie for keeping us occupied and upkeeping our positive steeming energy with this fabulous contest.

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