Popcontest ~ Children are an inexhaustible source of positivity

Hi friends. If you are familiar with my blog then you know that I am a mother of two wonderful daughters. Elder-Pauline and little Eva. And I want to tell you that being a mom is great and sometimes invisible work. But it is and endless resource of positive emotions and fun. I can not imagine my life without children. Sometimes I certainly remember moments of my youth when I was free in choosing their plans when I'm not carrying that responsibility. But I do not miss about those times. Now I have something more important - need me, love me, I get great happiness every day of my life. When there are moments of fatigue associated with motherhood, I always think that the day will come when my children will become independent and I will never feel that sense of absolute necessity. So try not to get angry at their children, even when they are pranks. After all, their childhood is such a fleeting time, enjoy it. After all, while our children are still children - for them we are the whole universe.



I am a pretty lazy person. But my children inspire me to do different actions. They give me strength to overcome my laziness. Apparently, God sends us children with such features that can change us for the better. Thanks to the children I come up with an exciting walk, we travel the district. With children I found my hobby - photography. It all started with their childhood photo albums. Thanks to my children, I ride my bike, learned to swim, to do morning exercises. Thanks to children I have been experimenting in the kitchen coming up with tasty and healthy recipes of food every day. Thanks to the children, I learn about myself and discover a new, better side. Thanks to the children, I like to live life anew - again I do homework, make crafts in front of me waiting for at least two of the prom and two weddings!



You heard a proverb "the Mouths of Babes saith the truth." Sometimes kids say such funny things. I will tell you some funny sayings my daughters!

One day my daughter says " Soon I will rise and I will have a fiancé." I answer her, "Yes, of course, when you become an adult you will find the bridegroom." She says "Daddy is my fiance." I answer, "No, dad can't, he's my husband and your dad." To which she got offended and said " Here mom, you do what the greedy, the Pope took, and now I have for a stranger to get married!"

One day, my daughter announced that her name henceforth is "Cheerful." And does not respond to her usual name for a few days. Even when she met the children on the Playground, she answered all that its name "Cheerful." We called her as "Cheerful, let's go eat" or "Cheerful go to sleep". It was very funny.

One day my three year old daughter was on the phone with dad. She said Hello and he asked who says it. She replied that it was Eva. Then dad asked jokingly "What Eva", to the daughter calmly replied "Of course I'm mom and dad's!" In fact, dad thought she would call surname . But this answer laughed all of us.

I once helped her daughter to put on shoes. It seemed to me that she framed me the wrong foot, and I said, "let the other leg". She handed me the other leg, and then I realized that for the first time needed a leg. Then I say "let the other leg." Daughter says in surprise, " Mom, I don't have a third leg."





For me, motherhood is more joy than work. I am happy that I made such a life choice. And in the most difficult moments of life makes i warm and happy thought, that I am a mother. This time when I go to my sleeping children, kiss them gently and corrects them with a blanket, this is the great happiness for me, an indescribable feeling of love and tenderness. Our games and rides, this is something that can lift my mood and set on a wave of positivity. All the troubles can be overcome when there are those for whom I live.

This post is in the competition #popcontest to produce positive emotions. Details of the competition here:

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