Popcontest. Recreation in a beautiful scenic location.

This post is in the competition #popcontest to produce positive emotions. Details of the competition here:

Today is a great day! Full of positive! Friends, I hasten to share with you my impressions about the place I visited. This is the base for relaxation. She is the most beautiful place in my village. It Is North-West Of Russia. This comfortable rest in the embrace of nature. Here you can forget all disturbing thoughts and enjoy the silence and magnificent scenery. A happy life starts with happy thoughts and positive attitude. Here you have it. After strolling the day I got rid of all the accumulated negativity and now I'm full of inspiration and a smile not leaves my face.

In the rush of daily life often don't have the time to be with your thoughts, listen to your feelings and desires. From this, many people feel in a bad mood. Who am I? What do I want? What do I love? What are my true dreams? Therefore, every person needs rest for yourself. To tune into a positive. For little alarm ceased to seem a great misfortune. A vacation with nature can clear the mind, in my opinion. For me nature is always the best relaxation. Walking today by the river I felt free, happy and full of energy. If we imagine that our body is a vessel, the daily bustle it is devastating. And we feel the emptiness inside, the sadness and apathy. So today I physically felt like my vessel was filled to the brim. I had fun and played with the children. I breathed in the fresh crisp autumn air with the aroma of cinnamon and apples. The sun kissed my face. The wind blew through my hair. All this filled me with great joy.

The place I visited today consists of several guest houses. There are cozy cafes, and plenty of areas for entertainment of children and adults. Vegetables for dinner grown in the garden. The meat from the mini-farm, which is located here. You can go fishing or take a ride in the boat. Go to the forest for mushrooms. Kids can jump on the trampoline, play in the meadow. In the evening over a Cup of coffee play a game of chess in a cozy alcove. Or just have a seat on the bench on top of a hill and enjoy the beautiful autumn landscape.

For me this place of rest has become a favorite. This is what you need to stock up on positive. I will definitely come back here again. Nature and a weekend without a bustle, the best way to cheerful mood for a long time!

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