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Some are born, some are made!

Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.

Ask yourself the following questions

Do you want to be an influencer in the society?

Do you want generations to come remember you for the goods you have done?.

Then think of the following facts!!!

Do you know that the top richest people in the world are not salary earners but entrepreneurs?

Do you know that life is too short to be working for someone else's dream?

Do you know you can trade your ideas for millions?

Milton Berle says

if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door

The youths of St Rita Catholic Church Ijaiye on the 11th of December 2017 had a seminar on entrepreneurship so as to train the youths of the Parrish to become independent through business innovations rather than looking for job after graduating from school.


Youth Livelihood; Employability and Entrepreneurship

1)ESV Abiola Olorunnisola
(Facility manager, Orange Valley, Ogun state)

  1. Mr. Tiamuyi Ibrahim
    (CEO Plan B group of companies)

The second day of the parish CYON youth week was indeed a great one with dignitaries within the organisation and beyond (from the diocesan body and also provincial body)

The youths were encouraged, charged and motivated on how to get a livelihood for themselves and how to develop the leadership traits in them.

Youths were advised to start thinking of ways to make the world a better place by being creative. Youths should not depend on searching for job in this age and time, youths are to provide job.

There are so many graduates looking for job most especially in Nigeria. The little help the government is rendering as regards this is not enough and so there is the need to do something about it.

There is no doubt that many online business can earn youths cool money without stress. But the best of all is; a site that pays you for

1)posting articles

2)commenting on people's posts

  1. upvoting people's articles

  2. participating in contests

Livelihood can only come in two ways... Being employed or being an entrepreneur.
Gone are the days when first class students get automatic jobs. In this time and age, only the outstanding and best of the rest can be employed.

1)Build your network

2)Act professionally

3)Learn an extra language

4)Build your passion

5)Stick to challenges

These and many many more were the hitch points of our trainers for the youth seminar.

And in conclusion, whatever you find your hands doing, do it well

At the end of the seminar, awards were given to the resource persons that made the seminar a success
The above is a picture of the award presentations to the two resource persons by the provincial youth president Mr. Emmanuel Abdul.

Join steemit today and make a livelihood for yourself!!!

Think as an entrepreneur and achieve greatness today. No one will help you achieve your dreams, you will have to fulfill them yourselves.

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