
Aisha,the apple of her mother's eyes, given birth to in the nineties never had the fatherly love and attention she always craved for. Raised and taken care of by a single mother, she had to come to terms that her father was no where to be found.
The father she always wanted never wanted to have her, he asked her mother(his girlfriend at that time)to abort the baby she was carrying with the excuse he wasn't ready to have a child. Aisha's mum coming from a religious family that frowned at abortion didn't want to abort the pregnancy and coupled with the fact that she was scared of dying from the process. So he left Aisha's mum with the burden of bringing up the beautiful daughter they eventually had.

Bringing up Aisha wasn't easy,with no support from family and friends she was left alone to carter for her child. There were times she thought of abandoning the child and walking away but her conscience won't let her. She cried more than the baby did, no night passed without tears flowing from her eyes.


But that was in the past, Aisha at 24 had grown into a beautiful African woman with the curves at the right positions. She had grown into what everyone will call every man's dream. Tears dropped from her mum's eyes but this time it was tears of joy,her daughter just graduated with a law degree after all the years of struggling and suffering. But her joy wasn't complete because there was no money for Aisha's law school. Aisha decided she was going to stay with her uncle in lagos in order to find something doing to bring in some cash before she goes to law school, her mum agreed and sent her off with prayers and some words of advice.

Aisha's uncle was a rich business man who lived alone at Lagos because he was divorced due to his infidelity. He welcomed Aisha with open arms and within a short period of time she got comfortable and could relate with her new environment. Everything went on smoothly until one night Aisha's uncle came back drunk,his senses had gone into hiding terrified by the presence of alcohol in his system. Like one controlled by a demonic spirit, he went straight to Aisha's room. Lying down with her skimpy night gown, she never knew she was about to be preyed upon. Like an hungry Lion, he pounced on her.
At this point the Lion had caught the Buffalo unawares, even though the Buffalo tried struggling, the Lion eventually devoured it.


After that night Aisha never remained the same,it was like a cold wind blew the urge to have sex into her, she went out of control. She got entangled with some bad friends that introduced her to rich men to " have fun with" and make money, she forgot about her education and focused on making "quick cash". Going to night clubs,wearing skimpy dresses,drinking alcohol and smoking had become her new found hobby, she went through several abortions, she listened to no one except the monster in her head. She always wanted to stop but she couldn't help the urge, it had eaten deep into her.

Source: pixabay

She finally got back to her senses when she tested positive to H.I.V. One would think it was all over for her but no, that was her starting point. Being aware she had contacted the virus, she knew she had let herself and her mum down. She picked up herself from the ground and started something productive for the society, tried to touch lives in anyway she could. Aisha is now a health worker, she teaches teenage girls about sex education,the dangers associated with abortion and how to prevent H.I.V/AIDS. Having an affiliation with the W.H.O, she distributes guides,sanitary pads, and condoms to teenagers.

Sometimes to get to heights we are meant to be in life we need to overcome hurdles. Sometimes we Fall but the ability to pick up ourselves and move on is what makes us great.There is always a positive side to every situation we find ourselves.

Always be positive.


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