Small blessings in a troubling time. P.O.P Contest #18

My family is going through some trying times, we've had a recent death in our family, and after that my Mother-in Law was in the US for some tests, and she had a stroke in the hospital. She is from a small Carribean island with limited medical facilities, so she goes to the US for most things like that. Anyway, it's not looking good, so my wife flew down from Canada to be with her mom. I wanted to make a power of positivity post, but have been having a tough time coming up with one, but yesterday her mom "woke up" from the non-responsive state briefly when her children were in the room and looked at each of them, and was able to squeeze my wife's hand briefly, before slipping away again, and has not been responsive again.

This may sound like a negative post, and maybe overall it is, but for that brief moment, I believe her mom was able to tell them all good bye. That brief moment was a blessing from God, and had a really big impact.

No matter what life throws your way, I think its important to focus on the the blessings, no matter how small they may seem at time.

Thanks @karenmckersie for doing your POP contests, I like reading the posts!

Take care everyone.

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