The Power Of Having A Positive Mind

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So I grow up in the slums of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, and life wasn't easy at times living in an extended family where sometimes rations for the day where really limited. Just had enough to get by.

I realised at an early age, that I wasn't as fortunate and that life seemed very unfair sometimes.

But there was a solid virtue that lingered within, that existed in my family, that rub very strongly on me growing up. It was about integrity and being kind hearted and positive regardless of circumstance.

My mothers mum, late grand mother, was from a family belonging to wise clan and my late grandpa Sari, was from a warrior tribe, also a former World War II veteran, fought in the war in PNG, South Pacific. And so growing up with this two strong rather conflicting characters, was truly an amazing experience for me.

Grandma had a character of extreme humility and kindness, while Grandpa well, let's just say I enjoyed the war stories very much, but not when he got angry. I guess, effects of the war sometimes made him very violent at times, it was scary when he got mad. 😲

Regardless, grandpa and grandma were both strong willed and full of integrity, and kind hearted when it come to helping others and just staying positive when things seemed very bleak at times.

The wise and warrior characters, I adopted unknowingly from my grannies, was quite confusing for me during my teenage years. I displayed violent behaviour at times when I mingled with the wrong peers, and got myself into alot fights that was life threatening for me.

While at the same time, I only bullied the bullies in school. As I totally disagreed with bullies picking on innocent folks. I felt a strong need towards doing good, but displayed a bit of warrior like behaviour in the process, in what I thought was a fight for justice. But actually, I really didn't know how to control this two seemingly varying characters as an individual, it was so confusing for me in my teen years.

Until then, later in life, is when I really gained self control and developed this characters into a strong willed and cheerful personality. And get called nicknames like "Happy Buddah" or "Mr Smiley" 😁😁..Lol.

I can only be thankful to my beloved late grand parents for moulding me early. Rest In Peace!!

Adopting a positive mindset, as a result had truly transformed my life, I started achieving my short-term goals, made my way through to University against all odds.

Scored myself promotions and special career awards and eventually, getting a well paid job. All this, I can't deny, but attribute to a positive mindset, that has brought me this far in my 33 years of life.

In think there is one thing left to achieve and that is going completely decentralized. Because I believe much of the struggle I have gone through, and all of us for that matter, is a result of a fraudelant Fiat banking system. Not that I am blaming it all on the system entirely, but it's just wrong to benefit of everyone else.

The end game for me is to see my lovely kids grow up in a world they can enjoy life more and I'm sure you would want the same for your loved ones as well.

For me, I'll do what I do best and put positive vibes out to the cosmos, because that's what has really brought me this far. Happy New Year, and yes 2018 will be a positive year for all of us.

I believe in having a positive mindset, but I am just one person, come on. I also believe in a collective positive mindset, that is very powerful and can literally change our reality.

See what happened when we all collectively wished 2018 to be a great year. Steem suddenly picked up. All I am saying is keep putting that positive vibes out. Steem will hit 10K before you know it.

"Smile first and the Unverse will smile back at you" - gsari

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