Bringing Up A Pitbull In A Positive Way

I was not looking for a dog, and no one in the family mentioned of having a dog. However, there he is and I FELL IN LOVE! The crazy thing is I fell in love with a photo of his face.

Moreover, I found him on Craiglist of all the places! I didn't look for him, I didn't look for a puppy, but I was on Craiglist looking for something else.

His picture just popped up! He was the first thing I saw.

To get him out of my mind, I went on with my daily chores and keeping myself as busy as I could. By the evening, I made a fateful call to the owner to inquire more information and negotiated a price.

Learning that he is a Pitbull mixed Boxer, I slept on it, and knew for sure that I needed to learn about the two breeds in depth.

The next morning, the owner called me back twice, and I expressed my concerns with Pitbull's reputations. I told her I had nothing to welcome a dog home, not feeding bowls, leash, collar, crate, or chew toys or food. She was willing to go down half price so that I could buy what needed for him. She also emphasized that in her neighborhood, Pitbull were often bought and raised for fighting.

Long story short, my son and I went to purchase all the necessarily items, and we drove in a storm to pick him up. The owner placed the puppy in my son's arms, and it was love at first sight for him too.
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--We hand fed him to show him love and established trust.
--We cuddled him like a baby to create bonding.
--We treated him with kindness, and gentleness
--We put him on a schedule for feeding, and going outside
--We had a discipline and reward system in place
--We took him everywhere we go to introduce him to new things

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All in all, he fitted like a glove to our family and life style. Most importantly, we never use any means of hitting, yelling, or punishing him if he made a mistake or being him.

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We named him Capone, and he has a sweet temperament. He is easy going, loves human, fast learner, and can even do some tricks.

Now that we have Capone for three years, I can put all the bad reputation about Pitbull breed to sleep. I firmly believe that it is not the breed, it falls more on the owner's responsibilities on how they bring up the puppy in positive manners.

Text and Photos @IcyBC All Rights Reserved!

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