Don't Question, Just Give When You're Giving

There are people who give with some sort of expectations of what the receiver should do with the gift. I know, I have experienced this before and I know it didn't feel good to be questioned "what did you do with it" kind of thing.

It bothered me to no end, and to this day I am having a hard time accepting anything, with grace!
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One day, on the drive home I spotted two homeless people sleeping under the overpass in winter! Some were sleeping on cardboard box, with very little cover to keep warm. I told the children that we should bring them some sandwiches. They went further to tell me to buy them some blankets, and got all excited.

I didn't have much money to sustain us, but I do have a few credit cards. Back in my mind, I thought the blankets would be a loss and would be a waste. I kind of went around with different reasons to tell them that it wasn't a good idea.

They adamantly told me: "it is ok what they do with it, because we gave it to them already, it's theirs to do whatever they want!"

The light bulb moment went off in my head! Yes, if I give, I should just give without having any notion about it. I hate it when people do that to me, so why would I do that to others? I learned a great lasting lesson from my kids.

We went to buy two blankets, and the next night, my kids gave the blankets to the two men under the bridge.

My friend and I were at McDonald for coffee, and on the way out, a guy asked us for some money to buy something to eat. I took out five dollars and was about to give it to him when my friend said "he will just use it to buy booze and get drunk." I remembered what my kids taught me, so I told her "it doesn't matter what he did with it, I just want to give, that's it!"

We talked about it on the way home. I said maybe he doesn't need to eat and the booze will keep him warm for the night. She didn't approve my reasoning, but she agreed that once we give, we give, and not thinking about what the receiver will do with it.
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When you give because you want to give, your heart and soul should be free with the thought of expecting for anything back, or worrying about what the receiver would do with your gift. If you still have those kinds of questions, then your gift is not free, and you won't feel good about giving.

Some time in life we need a little help, and some time in life someone else needs help. Just imagine if you are at the receiving end, and constantly being questioned what you did with your present, would you want to accept it next time?

When you're ready to give, just give! Free your heart and mind with all speculations! Give freely...

Text and Photos @IcyBC All Rights Reserved!

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