Frost Bite

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I brought to you these beauties, taken early this morning, of marigolds with frost bite on my deck! It was officially cold enough to collect frost kisses.

I was determine to "try, try, and try again", until I can get some clear shots.

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I had four layers of clothing on, with hat and gloves, and slip and slide at least twice on the deceiving wooden deck.

"Practice makes perfect", so I was told, and where "there is a will, there is a way" were on my mind the entire the time!

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Although the photos didn't turn out as I wanted, I am still happy since there is still tomorrow and there will be more opportunities. Keeping positive thought and doing what I love to do is worth more than a few moments of numbed fingers!

This is my entry to the #popcontest; check it out: @karenmckersie/new-power-of-positivity-pop-contest-13-last-weeks-winners-announced

Text and photo @IcyBC All Rights Reserved!

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