✳ Steemit Power Of Positivity Contest #26 / Important Update ! ( Possibly The Last P.O.P. Contest )✳

🔴 Winners Of Contest #25 Will be Announced Later Monday Night once the post pays out ! As I Wanted to Give An Important Update First ! As many of you know I started this P.O.P Contest 26 weeks ago in order to spread more positive vibes around Steemit with your awesome positive post entries , As I upvote and resteem all entries ! This takes up a lot of space in my feed and my other posts get lost or my followers have a hard time finding them and the prizes were structured so that all the Steem Dollars from the post payouts went to the winners and all I would make is maybe 2.00 or 3.00 steem that gets powered up , so all the work and time that goes into the contest as well as the money spent promoting it left me Negative 10.00 dollars every week if not more and that includes the midweek post ! so the contest is costing me money on a weekly basis and it just hasn't taken off like i thought it would after trying for 25 weeks now . I mean there's lots of entries , usually over 35 ! but the post payout is low , if you check the trending section in "contests" There's tons of contests there making from 150.00 dollars up to over 800.00 dollars in post payouts every week !
So its just not feasable to keep the contest going this way , Even though its all for the community , I cant keep losing money every week .

🔴 P.O.P Contest #26 Runs From Monday February 5 To Sunday Feb. 11 Good Luck !🔴

🔴 UPDATE : 🔴
I will be changing the prize payout For this week. And if people still seem interested and show support for the contest I will keep it going . A Big Thanks to all the people who have been great supporters and donators especially @sweetsssj and @doitvoluntarily , you guys are awesome !

Of course these prizes will rise if I get more support and the post pays out more in the future.
💲1st.PLACE $6.00 SD
💲2nd.PLACE $3.00 SD
💲3rd.PLACE $1.00 SD

🔴 Any Donations will be added to the prizes for the following weeks contest , GROWING YOUR PRIZE POOL !!

🔴 ✔ " P.O.P Contests (5) Rules " ✔🔴

⚫ ✔(1) "No reposting / editing , Your all ready made posts, or editing posts that have all ready paid out Especially if you Did Not Decline Pay Out the second time around To get double rewards plus possibly winnings from the contest for the exact same content . Thank You !

⚫✔ (2) Use #popcontest as the first tag REASON : This makes it easier for us to distinguish that Your Post IS An Entry , and not just a post useing the #popcontest tag ! As you can use the tag for positive posts all you want but only the first entry Will Be Judged and easier for my guest judge to find . Thank You !"

⚫ ✔(3) Up vote and resteem the main contest post REASON : This helps raise Your Prize Pay Out and get more people involved , spreading more positivity on Steemit which is the main goal of this contest !!

⚫✔ (4) Only 1 Positive Themed Original Post Entry each as mentioned above ! ( No NSFW )
(but you can use the #popcontest tag when you like in your positive posts ! just the first entry will count .)

⚫✔ (5) PUT A LINK to your original positive post entry in my comments below So I see it sooner , and can up vote and resteem your post sooner AND I KNOW ITS AN ACTUAL ENTRY As many use the #popcontest tag just for posting or posting more then one positive post ! "

🔴💲All Donations Are Greatly Appreciated and will still go 100% Towards the prizes , they will be added to the next weeks contest , So if you donate I will bump up the prize payouts in the following weeks contest by however much is donated , Thank You !💲🔴

🎉 "Thanks everyone for sharing your positive posts with us all here on steemit , making steemit a better place for all of us ! Stay positive , Stay Happy , and never give up ! Life is Good !!"🎉

@karenmckersie / @momskitchen


👍Canada Banner & Giphy Below Created by @gavinthegreat Thanks ! (Free to use !)

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