Moving Forward [An Art Explosion]

The Desire to live life and keep "Moving Forward"

(Positve Picture Story Poetry & Music Explosionđź’Ą)
Where it goes who knows let's read and find out.
Just let it flow with #positivevibes and the desire to create art and live a positive life.



Here is to my brother and keeping the desire to live life positive.

This is that very friend in the picture


Just a vague short story about a friend who lost his arm in a riding accident. So its something that happened a few years ago, but the lifelong effects are something to consider when thinking about the way you live your life today and how things can change.

Things can change quick but keeping the desire of your quality of life and your desire to live positive even tho you are missing a vital part of your body you use everyday is something not to take lightly. You must live in a different way sure, but living positive is essential for keeping your quality of life and moving forward with that desire.

Helps us to think about what we sometimes may take for granted and how we can see things from a different perspective when considering something like this. Understanding what we could lose in a matter of seconds, our life can change from something like this forever.

With respect to my friend I can't say much of what he goes through daily. But I can say this that even though he has changed it has been from my point of view positive. He does still ride today, yes its a positive thing to keep going and still actually have that desire to keep riding, when its the very thing that took his arm.

Though I don't see him much anymore since he has gotten married, I hold a special place for our ever existing friendship that will always be there even when we see one another no matter how little or how much it is.

Stating this I wanted to point out that I did create this picture with him and poetry and yes even a song dedicated to him also, after this all happened and I named the song Moving Forward in respects to the incident and having to move forward in life thinking positive and keeping that desire to carry on enjoying life.


Though we may lose
and live life with a bruise
There are somethings we can do
to help us to choose
a life that's free
alive to being positive and happy
As positive has you can be

With the desire to move on positive
And live
Keeping honest in heart and still able to give
I thank you for being you
You give hope even if you don't know that you do

Life changing events happen
Live the life your in
Keep your head high
Touch the sky
Never wonder why
Its no ones fault
Lock that up seal it up in a vault

One foot in front of the other
No matter what your my brother
I got your back
Wherever your at

Feeling lost
Feeling tossed
Moving Forward
No matter the cost
Positive vibes for whatever is lost

Feeling phantom pain
Life is what you gained
Your alive your bright
Your life your you now have a wife

Moving forward
Keep it right
Keep up the fight
Your my brother and your out of sight
Keep that desire to live your life


I'm done now that was fun
That was my Positve Picture Story Poetry & Music Explosionđź’Ą
For two contest entries with rules that have been applied to #popcontest & #artexplosion
Signing off saying, if you would like to follow and start this hash tag #poetryslam
I'll be starting a contest in this category eventually.
Stay tuned.
Until then Let's feed one another words as the world turns.

express yourself

Stay positive
Your alive
Stay happy
Your a soul
Find your utopia
And let go
I hope the best for you
Be well be true


I'm Jason Arnold (@krazypoet)

“If a man should live many years, let him enjoy them all.”.

A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity.

Stay positive and constructive even during tough times and keep working towards something better.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

Thanks for stopping by and reading
Much Love to all & be well


Stay Positive

This is the way to steem on



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