Keep the Positive Eclipse Energy Alive "And for a Moment, We Stood Together in Wonder" 2 Original Content Images

"Total Solar Eclipse 2017"

And for a moment,
We stood together in wonder
Instead of apart in disagreement.

Thousands and thousands of total strangers flocked to cities that were within the coveted "path of totality" all for about 1-2 minutes of prime visibility of the total solar eclipse that happened on August 21st. People of all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities stood next to each other, chatted like giddy children, eagerly anticipating and waiting to see what the sun, moon and sky would look like before, during, and after the total eclipse of the Sun.

And everyone got along.
There were no riots. No protests. No murders.

Instead, everywhere you looked on social media, every platform was saturated with images of and conversations about the historic event. What a truly epic day it was! And you know why? Because it brought everyone together!

The World would be a better place if everyone embraced and went forward with the positivity emitted from the solar eclipse experience.
How? For starters, find a common topic to talk about. Be kind to the person standing in line next to you. Do a random act of kindness for a total stranger. Smile. Open the door for an elderly person. Offer your seat to the guy with a limp. Make cookies for your neighbor. Buy flowers for your significant other "just because".
And my favorite suggestion? Take photographs of things you enjoy and post them on social media. Everywhere. Because everyone enjoys positive, original content! Right?

I appreciate you taking the time to read my post!

This is my entry to this week's Power Of Positivity / Pop Contest hosted by @karenmckersie and CreativeComp hosted by @sammosk. Please click and scroll to find and vote on my post here:

 Thanks for stopping by!

Images taken with Samsung Galaxy S7
© 2017 Nina Haskin. All rights reserved.


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