My Lucky Day! and my thoughts on the existence of Luckiness.

The other day I had a lucky day and it made my think again about the existence of luck. It's something I've pondered a lot. I do feel that luck exists certainly you can have a stoke of luck, but my wonderings are around a person being inherently lucky or possessing luckiness.


I'll start with my lucky day that put things into perspective a bit.

It had some bad moments.

Actually some pretty annoying moments.

First, I forgot about my shift at work until they called from the hospital to ask where the heck I was. I had to cancel plans for the night and rush into work, getting late start to my shift and feeling off the entire night. Not the mention being exhausted since I didn't sleep during the day or prepare in any way for my night shift. I didn't even have time to make a coffee! Yikes, not sounding lucky at all.

Next, When my shift was finally over and I got back to my car in the morning, from the haste in which I tried to get to work I found out that my keys were locked in the car. It was a chilly morning and it took a while for the tow truck to come and open the door and rescue me. I was stuck waiting in the cold for quite a while. Once again not sounding lucky.

Finally, I decided I needed coffee and breakfast to be able to make my drive home safe and sound. I stopped by McDonald's for a sausage mcmuffin and coffee. Not sure if you've been following my blog or I've mentioned before but I'm pretty damn cheap. I buy the sausage mcmuffin since it's like $2 less then the egg mcmuffin with the sausage patty. I find it hard to justify the $2 egg. But this morning the made an error and despite paying for the sausage mcmuffin I was treated to the $2 egg. Finally my luck had changed, I had some good blessings.

When I reported about my day to my wife. I told her of my good fortune in getting this egg upgrade and how lucky I was. Of course I mentioned the annoyance of locking the keys in the car and the additional fees for the tow truck to unlock the door (certainly more then the $2 egg just for the record). She was more apt to focus on this event and let me know I was more of a bad day then an lucky one.


This is where my theory of luckiness come in.

I've always considered my self a lucky person, I seam to have more than my fair share of good fortune and other would agree. But I also wonder if my luck is in fact just from having a positive mindset and focusing more on the good moments that occur then the negative. Of course I then more frequently report to other about these positive events and these are the ones that I more readily recall as well.

I'm not sure this negates myself having luck and perhaps I still do have more luck than others but I also theorize that this perception of good luck is just from being positive and focusing more on good events.

I think positivity can have great effects on your life and maybe even the positivity and some sort of good karma actually brings about luck, but I'm less prone to believe this.

Anyways what does everyone think about this? Could I be onto something or totally wrong

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