Who Am I

Every morning I wake from my slumber and rise from by bed. I have a routine, as most people probably do. I pad to the kitchen to start the coffee brewing and then I let Coco, my dachshund out. We test out the weather, commune with the moon and stars for a bit then come back inside. Once the requisite cookie has been distributed, I am free to attend to my own needs.

Questions, Demand, Doubts, Psychology

I look in the mirror and ask myself 'What am I doing today...which hat do I need to wear for today's activities? Who am I today???' Which path will I take this fine day? Sometimes the way is already mapped out for me and other times I find myself wandering around aimlessly, looking for direction.

For the most part, I simply climb into a trolley car and let life take me along the track, stopping at various destinations decided by events beyond my control. I long for the days when I can once again decide on my own path. I know those days are coming, I really do know that, but sometimes it seems like that day is somewhere in another lifetime.

The one thing that is evident in every leg of the journey is that no matter where today's path leads, I will be surrounded by an awesome team of people, who bolster my confidence, prop me up when I threaten to topple over and who will love me when I can't even find it in me to love myself.

With this awesome team at my side, I find the destination doesn't matter. I don't particularly care which hat I will be wearing and I will absolutely ENJOY every minute of the ride. The fact that I am a part of this awesome team makes the mundane seem interesting, the tedious chores become enjoyable and the difficulties that once seemed like road blocks appear no more than speed bumps.

Now when I ask myself the question 'Who Am I', the answer comes out rapid fire....I am ME! I am you..I am everybody and nobody. I am the sun, the air, the fire in my belly and the light in your eyes. I am everything and I am nothing.

I just AM.

Enjoy the little things,

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