
I was sitting in my office few minutes ago looking a little lost with some huge bouts of tiredness when I stumbled on the positivity contest and I knew that writing at this point in time would definitely lift my spirits a bit. There is something about the feel of my finger tips on the keyboard and the perfect strokes they make that sort of calms me.

So I decided to talk about my being positive while waiting for my resumption into the Nigerian Law School. I know my profile says I am a lawyer but it really means that I am a lawyer in equity because even though I have completed my five years law degree I still have a compulsory one year in the Nigerian Law School to pass through before I become a lawyer in Nigeria.

You see, I left school in May and since then I had been working with my Dad but the issue sort of is that I have not been doing anything really law related. At the beginning that sort of bothered me, coupled with the fact that I was going through the worst heartbreak ever; I felt so depressed and I wasn’t sure about anything anymore.

It was at this time, I turned to writing, I majorly started with poems about my heartbreak and depression and then I started realizing I could write on other things so I started widening my scope. Things sort of started changing, even though I was waiting for law school and I was not really doing anything law related I became hopeful.

So in the midst of what seemed to be a negative situation I saw the light and started being happy in bits and pieces, first I became incredibly satisfied with my work, I looked forward to it everyday and even worked extra even when I wasn’t supposed to. Then my writing got better, I started writing for blogs, reviving my blog, entering for competitions and even started considering a career prospect in writing.

Now the time of my resumption into the law school draws near, there is sort of cloud hanging over me. I seem to have lost the zeal for law which was my first love and I don’t seem so eager to resume. Well, few days ago I started getting the vibes back by pushing myself to realize I could not waste all the skills and love and zeal I acquired for the law. It was not there, I mean the whole positive gleam about the law but I had to keep pushing myself to get it back.

I am not saying I am all optimistic and smiles about this right now but its certainly not all sad and gloom like it was before. Somehow I think the message I am trying to pass across is that even when there are obvious reasons to be sad and down and loose the positive light, give yourself reasons to be happy and positive because honestly happy is so much better than sad anyday anytime.

So as I prepare to resume for the law school, I need all your prayers, love and good wishes too.

Thank you so much for reading and don’t forget to upvote, comment and resteem. Much much loveeee people!!!

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