Power of Positivity P.O.P Contest 24 - YOU CAN DO IT!

Many times in life, you are faced with challenges, either big or small. These challenges often comnd tells you the challenge is too big, or your friends tell you it is difficult to achieve. Your colleagues tell you that you are biting more than you can chew. People come up up with different views about what you are about to do. They tell you why you should not do it or why you will not succeed doing it. They tell you why you should not do it or why you will not succeed doing it. Some make these these discouraging comments out of personal experiences, while others just make such comments from their myopic view.

Sometimes, people's comments are made because they care about you and do not want you to make mistakes that they made earlier while some just want you to place a limitation on yourself, so that you are not more successful than they are.

Whatever what anybody's view or inclination is, you are the architect of your own life. You can do whatever you set your heart to do!

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Do not entertain negative thoughts and negative thinkers. Look at the big picture; consider what you stand to gain by taking on that challenge now. Won't you blame yourself later in future if you don't take the shot now?

It may be so challenging or difficult to achieve, but every challenge is surmountable. Do not allow laziness and procrastination to rob you of the joy of success. Refuse also to be intimidated by the size of your challenge. Seek, till you find all the tools you need to succeed in your task; read articles or books that will help you attain success. You cannot win if you do not make an attempt.

A True Story...

Thousands of years ago, a giant, Goliath terrorized Israel for so long and no one was able to confront him: not even the swiftest, strongest or fiercest of their army generals was bold enough to confront Goliath, until the little boy David arrived at the war front. With the right tools and strategy, David confronted Goliath, despite several pleas, cautions and criticisms. At the end, David presented to his king, the head of the giant. If David listened to the many negative words, he would not have had a chance at victory.

Imagine what the world would look like if Thomas Edison, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and so on gave up on their research works and experiments and no one takes up the challenge...

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