Hi guys,
I just wanted to share with you that my website has been updated. It was an over-haul of its whole design.
Earlier it was a basic container based format, designed so it could work on computer, tablet and phone, but it wasn't really that pretty. It was what I had learned at the time through my study.
Since I created the first version of the website I have learned about responsive websites and bootstrap, including grids and modals. I now have a much better looking, but still responsive (works on mobile, computer and tablet) website which uses bootstrap. It has on the home page, a portfolio which is made up of a grid of pictures. When you click on a picture, a box (modal) opens with information, possibly links and either a bigger picture or a YouTube video. I also have a page for links to certain Steemit posts I chose to feature, a page with all of my YouTube playlists embedded, a page with a grid full of my products on Redbubble (clicking on the picture will take you to the product) and a page about games and apps which talks about my game-making and app-making experience so far and plans for the future, including my recent experience with Steemit Jam #4.
If you want to check it out you can find my website here: http://birchmark.com.au/
My website doubles as a website for my sole trader business Birchmark and as a portfolio of my work.
Obviously I won't share this every time I make a tiny change to the content of the website but this was a big overhaul and some of you may have clicked through to my website from this blog, so I thought I should share the new and improved version. I didn't do this post immediately after improving it either, but a few days later, so if you clicked the website link in the most recent Confusing Earth chapter, it is the same as that.
Thank you for reading and if you checked out my website, thank you for checking out my website.
Birchmark Website: http://birchmark.com.au/
Dlive: https://dlive.io/@birchmark
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/BirchmarkAu
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Birchmark
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Birchmark/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Birchmark_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/birchmark/
Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/birchmark?asc=u
Threadless: https://birchmark.threadless.com/
Dailymotion: http://www.dailymotion.com/Birchmark
ANOTHER POST OF MINE YOU MIGHT ENJOY: @birchmark/confusing-earth-chapter-16-spider
A POST I ENJOYED BY SOMEONE ELSE: @kkbaardsen/my-thoughts-on-overwatch-retribution
Thank you for reading!