[Edit: Won Third Place!] 📷 'Portrait Photography Contest' Week 18: Entry 1: Sweeney Portrait

Thank you to @jasonrussell for hosting another week of #portraitcontest.

This week's theme is Halloween.

Let me introduce you to my 'Villains' series.

This is an ongoing project (meaning, I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet...) that I started shooting a number of years ago. I have aspirations to someday finish my series, with a total of seven villains: Freddy, Sweeney, Chucky, Jason, Candyman, Jack Torrance, and Norman Bates.

I'm developing what I call ‘character studies’ of many of the classic male horror movie villains. I have spent months piecing together detailed costumes and researching the best possible locations before each shoot. I won’t be using a single drop of blood or gore in the images, but rather, expressing the essence of the character through the atmosphere, colors, props and lighting. What’s the catch? I have put a feminine pinup spin on their costumes, and they will be portrayed by woman models hand-picked for each persona. The pretty ladies are always the first to go in horror movies.. this time they’re the bad guys >:)

Each villain will have two images. One full body shot to showcase their full outfit, while depicting them in their natural surroundings. And one head-and-shoulders beauty shot to showcase their makeup and details.

Sweeney 02.jpg

Lighting info: Lit entirely with one small speedlight, diffused and shot through a white umbrella, to light the bright side of the face, while allowing the far side of the face to fall deep into the shadows. It's clearly placed camera-left, to light the model from the side. Fired with Pocketwizards.

The location is on the abandoned second floor of an old building, in the little town of Dallas, Oregon. Historically, the building was a number of different businesses, located on the main street, but the second floor was hastily abandoned and closed up since around the 1940's. I've had the pleasure of using the space for a few photo shoots, including some fun senior portraits!

Thanks for reading,


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