Portrait Competition: Cinematic Dad

Dear Steemians!

I was kindly encouraged to join the Portrait Competition run by @MelodyRussell and @jasonrussell!

For my first entry I've chosen my favourite photo of my father. It was taken while we were all in Perth, Australia attending my undergraduate graduation ceremony. We took the day off to visit Rottnest Island (Rat's Nest in Dutch) home of the adorable Quokka. Here's dad scanning the coast with a very serious face after I was trying to compose him with my manual lens and took too long. I think his impatience and my lack of speed contributed immensely to this moment. I've prepared the original colour and the B&W conversion.



Equipment: Nikon D3300 + Nikkor H 50mm (circa 1960s)
Post Processing with Adobe Photoshop CC2015

Thanks for reading :) Wish me luck :)

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