Portrait Contest Week 11 - Seasonal Portraits

@jasonrussell is hosting a weekly portrait contest.  Today, Friday, is the last day for the Seasonal Portrait entries.  Check out his invitation post here and give him some support.  This is a great initiative with a niche all its own.  

 Let's ride this wave with Jason!!!

Here is my entry for this Week No. 11 Seasonal Portraits:  

This was a frigid cold day in the Colorado Rockies.  We slept on a mattress in the back of our pickup with a topper, cozily surrounded by all of our traveling gear.  When we awoke the windows were a dense several layers of frost, and even the 5 gallon jug of water we had at our side was full of ice--that's how cold it was!!!  As the sun woke our slumber, we took off into the woods to enjoy the cold running stream, the mountains painted with flakes of white, and air so crisp that our noses nearly froze in an instant.

I have traveled extensively with @quinneaker and have had a bazillion opportunities to capture the beauty that he exudes.  This is just one simple moment in time when he turned toward me breathing in the freshness of the day.

I hope you can feel the real coolness of this photo, that goes deeper than the temperature of the air.  Watching Quinn engage life is truly a blessing, as he is incredibly present with his every breath.  The gaze of his eyes will pierce right through you, and you will be seen!!!


I won last week's contest on water portraits with the photo below of @quinneaker.  I have been entering photo contests since I first got on Steemit about a year ago, and this is the first real contest I have won.  So needless to say, I am stoked!  I encourage you to get in on this challenge and bring some stunning faces to Steemit.

@quinneaker is the visionary and founder of the @gardenofeden where a whole new paradigm is being birthed.  You can see from how ALIVE this man is, that there is something really astounding going on in there.  Stop by his blog and the @gardenofeden to see what's up!

Thanks for visiting my blog.
I wish you a happy EVERything!!

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