Hey fellow Steemians, normally I do long posts with lots of photos and text walls, but today I want to keep it short and sweet. The first photo is my entry to @derangedvisions's photography contests - Having Fun, and the second one is for @portraitcontest's Outdoor Portraits. You see I still make it a longer post with 2 photos, rather than 2 posts with 1 photo in each. ;) Check out these contests and join the fun!
What I want to say about the photos is just:
Life can be difficult, like the young boy has to sell mangoes to help support his family;
Life can be fun too, like the happy kids play catching mangoes when they don't have fancy toys.
Location: South Ethiopia
Camera: Canon Kiss X3
大家好!今天就不多唠叨照片了,毕竟一张用心的摄影,也已经是跨越万水千山,胜过万语千言了对吧? 何况我还有两张耶✌ :p
快乐也很简单,比如我们可以扔芒果玩。 =)
地点: 埃塞俄比亚南部某聚居地(因为只有几间草房,不知道算不算村子) + 路边的香蕉地
器材: 小佳能Kiss X3
总是听人说摄影是烧钱的爱好,我只想说器材真的没那么重要。虽然有些条件下会受限,但对于非专业摄影师来说,可能还是从多看多拍开始比较实际。我这最初级的几千块的相机用了近10年从来没换过,这花费很多人一年买个名牌包就没了吧,有的甚至还不够。前些天@skenan还在帖子里提到了他和众多男人的困惑,其实我这还是女人吗也是困惑不已为什么要花那么多钱去买个包,甚至还有人排长队抢购,完全不理解啊。如果你明白,欢迎留言告诉我原因,来来来,让我们一起探讨人生~ :)
Thank you for reading. Please tell me what you think in the comments. Until next time! =)
感谢阅读!你的关注/点赞/留言/转发就是对我最好的支持~ 下次见!:)
Here are some screenshots from my Instagram. Follow @ItchyfeetDonica for more adventures around the globe !
!steemitworldmap 4.867632 lat 36.512543 long South Ethiopia d3scr