Steemit Portrait Contest Week 7 - Music Portraits: A Country Music Trio


A few months ago, I had the chance to be a part of a really cool O Brother, Where Art Thou? Soundtrack show held at Lindberg's Tavern in Springfield, MO. Area musicians gathered together to perform their renditions of the songs on the soundtrack.

I snapped this photo of a really fun trio singing a couple of selections. I love the smile on Karlei Baker's face in this shot. Capturing faces in interesting moments on stage is one of my favorite things.

Unless otherwise credited, photos were taken by me (@jessamynorchard) with an iPhone 6+, and edited in Adobe Lightroom for iOS, as part of my mission to make the most of my available technologies to make valuable, high-quality Steemit content.

Join the Steemit Local Music Society server on Discord for all things Steemit Music!

Follow me @jessamynorchard for more assorted randomness!

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