Portrait Contest Week 15: Beth and the Frazer Nash (2 images)

Several years ago, some of our good friends modeled for us at our friend, Jim's garage/repair shop. These photos feature our friend Beth posing on a bright green Frazer Nash (I know practically nothing about cars, so I hope I got the name right, but it was a beautiful car!) Add a beautiful model, and the rest speaks for itself! :)


Unfortunately, I didn't get a full view of the car in my photos. I was shooting with a 50mm lens and didn't step back far enough. However, @jasonrussell got several nice shots from his perspective, which I believe he has shared before. That's one of the great things about shooting together: We can shoot the same scene and always come up with 2 completely different types of photos!

Thanks for checking it out, and post your portraits for week 15 of the #portraitcontest!!!!


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