A Self-Portrait Before The Storm

This self-portrait was taken in the end of November 2016. I usually plan portrait photo shoots weeks or sometimes months in advance, but this one was kind of spontaneous. The time between the initial idea for the shoot and it actually happening was less than 24 hours which is quite unusual for me.

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Camera Body Lens
Nikon D90 Nikon AF-S Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G

Despite the fact that it was a chilly and cloudy day, me and my boyfriend @rocking-dave packed up our things, got into the car and went to the nearby mountain called Vitosha. I guess this is a good time to mention that I'm really thankful for his support for my ideas as crazy as they might be.

The weather that day was pretty bad and since the rain was starting and stopping the whole time, from time to time we had to huddle under the umbrella to avoid the rain and to protect the equipment. The photo shoot had to be pretty quick as shortly after this photo was taken, the drizzle turned into a storm. We had to run to our car and it started raining so badly that the visibility was too low for us to even be driving.

During this improvised shot I almost ruined a favorite pair of shoes of mine and the dress I'm wearing was actually from my aunt's prom which took place in the beginning of the 80s.

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