Steemit Portrait Photography Contest Winners and Honorable Mentions of Week 45!!!!


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OFFICIALLY SPONSORED BY: @crimsonclad & @ngc!!!!!!

1st Place - 10 STEEM
2nd Place - 5 STEEM
3rd Place - 3 STEEM

HONORABLE MENTIONS will receive 0.50 STEEM!!!!!

Guest judges will now receive 5 STEEM for judging the contest! Please contact me if you are interested in judging!!

You may enter as many times as you would like but only the best will be considered!!! Also please only enter your original work as a photographer or subject in the photo!! I will be checking for original work!

This is a weekly contest that starts at 12:01am Saturday morning and the following Friday at midnight!!

If you would like to enter please use portraitcontest as your first tag!! UPVOTE AND RESTEEM THIS POST!!!

"Sepia Tone"

@leotrap was the Judge!!

3rd place


Suddenly transported me to Memento, :wink: This is one of those photographs that you can be for a long time watching and thinking about the meaning of. I know that shooting an actor has that particularity... if the actor is great you will have content, but the shot is amazing, that Split view over the mirror is very clear, the perspective is beautiful. That photo tells a story at all and that is what a Photographer must achieve. Tell a story without without using a simple word. Love it @marinauzelac

2nd place


What to say about this...? The Speia tone is just at it's minimal and give to the photo a lovely touch that I really like. The photo Momentum catched is the perfect one, There are not many things to say about this.. is a photo that really talks by itselfs, the natural light has a beautiful soft way to work over her skin and the bokeh is gorgeous Really like it Congrats @trieuvan and welcome to the Blockchain!

1st place


Amazing style that @axeman achieved with the Helios 40-2. The post production work is also great, the tone, the grain.... Seems to be a real photography from many time ago. The photo was taken in the perfect angle as I see... in the middle of the Model' s body and that give to the viewers a different perspective, totally different from the same angle used in portraits once and once again.
I also can see that there is a production work with all the clothes, the make up is perfect even if the make up style is not the same of those times, but I don' t know if it was because you didn't realize of it or was at purpouse, because it give us the touch and tell hey..this photo is from Nowadays! :wink: Could be great to know that part @axeman.
By the way the model is perfect, her pose is the one... a great choose you did!
Congrats this picture is one of those that you will never forget... Really like it, and much! Chapeau man!

Honorable Mentions

(in no particular order)



Here are last weeks winners!

#PortraitContest is a Weekly photography contest!!!! The theme is Bokeh and @axeman is the judge until further notice because he's so damned good an we want to give some other people a chance to win!!!!!!!!!!! SHOW HIM WHAT YOU'VE GOT!!!

HUGE thank you @samsiedenstrang for making the logos for the #portraitcontest!!

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