Portrait photography and photo manipulation - Woman and vine

This picture had its white balance way off. The models skin was completely yellow and furthermore some parts of he face were over exposed. And if something is way of, there's only so much you can do with it to save it. Fortunately I did notice the wrong white balance and overexposed nose after few photographs, so I have better photos too.

But this one has this Mona Lisa -like smile and gentle gaze downwards, so I tried my best with the colors and the skin. It was quite difficult because at the same time I didn't want to smooth her skin too much because she's an adult woman, not a newborn. Inspired by her dress, I added some vine.

This picture taught me very much. Firstly it taught me never to hesitate when taking photos. Double-check everything. Check the result right after the first photo. Not after 5, 10 or 20 photos. Right away. Again if something changes. This photo also taught me how to do miracles in post-processing. Vines I already knew how to do. That was the easiest part.

Woman and vine
Photograph: ©Insaneworks
Model: Airi Savolainen www.instagram.com/airisavolainen

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