I choked in my Portuguese language exam :(

Last night I completed my final exam for the "Portuguese for immigrants" course, that I have been attending since November last year.

The course is sponsored in part by SEF, which is the Portuguese immigration and borders service. We have attended classes 2 times a week for the past few months, with classes being 2 hours each.

Like I said, the exam, this consisted of 5 sections to test us on our level of audio comprehension, reading comprehension, writing comprehension, grammatical competence and final oral expression.

I think I did all right in the first 4 parts, unfortunately I fell flat in the oral expression. :(

We were assigned in pairs and given instructions to have a dialogue, this is where things went horribly wrong for me. I froze up and could not think of what to say, reading my instructions, I forgot what the words meant...

It was terrible sitting there for 3 minutes trying to get something to come out my mouth, so we limped on.

Then we moved onto individual oral expressions, and I managed to recover, which made me feel a tad better.

I have a long way to go before I can communicate in Portuguese, and last night showed me exactly how far I have to go, so I intend to get out to meetup's more, so that I can practice with real live people and hopefully get much better!

As for you, have you learnt a new language recently? Do you have any 'fun' stories to share from learning a new language?

I would love to hear from you in the comments!

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