Why you should start pole dancing!

Although pole dancing becomes more and more known as a sport or a great body work-out. I find that there is still a taboo about it, probably because of the history of pole dancing in strip clubs. Therefore, as a pole dancer/pole dance instructor, I’d like to tell you why pole dancing is so great! If you are a man, don’t worry or be ashamed, you can still read this post because pole dancing is also for men!   

So this is me doing a move called ‘The Iron X’.   

A bit about the taboo.
People often joke when they hear I do pole dancing. And after they laughed they make jokes about stripping and that my boyfriend must be one hell of a lucky guy. I understand where pole dancing might came from but it has changed so much! There are all different styles nowadays. There is also pole fitness, although, I believe it is still a bit different than pole dancing. (At least, in the Netherlands where I live). I prefer pole dancing instead of pole fitness because pole dancing is not only about the sporty moves (as in pole fitness) but also about elegance and flow. You can create such nice choreographies by dancing in and around a pole. It is such a shame that there are still surprisingly a lot of people thinking that pole dancing is sort of vulgar and tacky. Of course it is okay to have your own opinion, I just want you to realize where your opinion is based on :) (and it is often not on reality). Finally, I must say that within the different styles of pole dancing, it for some styles common to wear high heels and short clothing. That still does not mean that those pole dancers are strippers. They are often quite great! I personally do not identify with that style. I used to be a gymnast and I like the pole dance style in which you show flexibility, elegance and strength.  Without the heels (although, it is way more difficult to do the same moves in those heels so a bit of respect is in place for those who do that haha). So, I like to share my passion with you!   

So, why do pole dancers wear so little clothing?
Well, to be able to stick to the pole, you’ll need your skin. I’ve noticed that there is an upcoming trend of long sticky leggings in which you can pole dance. I have not tried it yet but I still believe that my own skin is the best to pole dance with because you can feel all movements and know when you are losing your grip. However, I don’t think it is really necessary to pole dance in a mini bikini.. Seems like too less for me, but hey, if that person feels comfortable in it, then it’s their own choiceJ. I feel comfortable in just the basics like a normal sports bra and decent shorts :)  

Why you should be pole dancing   

This is also me, I don't know what the move is called. I didn't feel comfortable doing this in my normal pole dance clothes but with some effort I managed to do it like this for the photo haha. (But I would not recommend it with the leggings on).

1. Get in great shape. Pole dance is a full body work-out. By pole dancing you use a lot of muscles all over your body without actually needing to do anything for it other than have fun. All muscles I have are functional so I am also quite strong. It feels great to get in shape and to be able to do certain things like lifting yourself vertically (as in the Iron X on the first picture).    

2. Feel confident. By feeling you are (or getting) in great shape it gives you so much confidence! Especially when getting if from something that is really fun to do. At least it did for me and I want you to have that same feeling. Even though others didn’t always knew I was pole dancing, it still felt great a sort of a little secret of mine haha.    

3. Socialize with others who share your passion. As a pole dancer you are never alone! The Studio where I train and teach is a place where all sorts of people come to pole dance. Yes, even men! Pole dancing is for everyone and I can tell that from my own experience of meeting all kinds of people who pole dance. Professors/teachers at universities, stay-at-home moms, business women, students, lawyers, scientist, psychologists, farmers, you name it! So never feel like you are alone :)

4. Just be awesome! I think it is clear by now that I really love pole dancing haha. Just maybe try it out sometime and decide for yourself. Don’t think of all the bruises you are probably going to get. When you really want to perform a move, you will succeed! And the bruising is just worth it. You will feel proud of yourself when succeeding in an awesome pole trick and others will be happy for you too, at least I will!   

p.s. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading this and maybe you feel motivated and inspired to try it out! If you are interested in some pole dancers with all different styles then here are some of my favorites: 

Oona Kivelä --> very strong, quick and powerful.
Amy Hazel --> Very flexible, sporty and elegant at the same time.
Bendy Kates --> very very very flexible and she always has a nice flow.
Evgeny Greshilov --> he’s s strong men and does manly things.

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