Positivity challenge #3 Doing something charitable....

I have been in a very foul mood these past few days so I decided to wait until I felt better to write this post.  The whole week I could not even think of doing anything positive....I was just moping around feeling absolutely very sorry for myself.   I am prone to depression and when I feel good, I tend not to take my medication. I now realize that this is not such good idea:)   For the last few days we have had rain almost day and night. The grey misty weather did not do much to cheer me up, and I also had an extra load of work to do this week, so I couldn't even spend my usual time here on Steemit or at my favorite spot. That made me feel even worse!


Image credit to myself

When I woke up this morning, I just decided that today is the day and I can't continue to feel this way all the time.....  I needed to do something positive today,  and maybe just maybe that would make me feel better.

The whole day I couldn't think of anything that I could do to help someone in a less fortunate situation. Even though I thought about it, and it kept my brain busy the whole day, I completely forgot about my goal by the end of the day.  I was already on my way home, when I drove past the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Then it struck me like a lightning bolt!


Image credit

I immediately turned into the premises, not knowing quite what to expect, but I knew that I would find something useful to do there. (And I might just reach my goal for the day.)  I have never been to the SPCA before, with good reasons....I can't stand to see animals in cages.  I hate going to the zoo, as I don't 100% support what they do there.  No animal belong in a cage.  Some people do, but not animals.  

The SPCA take in various stray animals, and try and find new owners to adopt. If no owners are found in a limited time period, then these poor animals are usually euthanized. Animals that did not even ask to be here.  (Let me rather not go into a debate about this because this post might be too long to read.)   

I parked my car, and confidently walked into the office.  I pronounced myself as a volunteer and said that I am willing to do anything to help out for the next two hours. They were delighted to accommodate me.  Lucky for me it was feeding time, and I was able to help feed the animals.  My heart broke when I saw all these poor dogs and cats in the cages - As if they belonged in a zoo.  You could see the pain and suffering on some of their faces as if they were waiting for the end....waiting to be euthanized.....:(


Image credit (I was not allowed to take photos of the animals at the SPCA.)

I am a usually a cat person, but when I saw the beautiful puppies they had my resistance crumbled.  I knew that I would be in some kind of trouble if I brought home any stray animals, but at that stage...I did not really care.  It was worth the fight.  

After my 2 hour duty, I went straight to the office to inquire about the two puppies alone in the cage.  The lady informed me that these puppies were brought in the week before, but there had been no interest at all.  They were going to give it another week, and then their time on earth would be over. 

Well, that was something that I did not want to hear!!!  So I told her without even thinking that I would adopt them.  TADA!

I don't know how my cat is going to adapt with this new addition...but it does not seem to bother her....YET..


Image credit to myself

But I am now the owner of two beautiful puppies:)  


Image credit to myself

The SPCA is a non- profit organization.  If anyone would bring it in their hearts to donate any money towards this cause I am sure the organization would be very happy.  I made a decision to spend an extra few bucks a month to buy a bag of dog food and to make a small monthly donation to the SPCA.  I am also going to help out one Saturday per month at the SPCA.  This is for a good cause!  I also urge everyone with dogs and cats to please sterilize your animals. There are so many unwanted animals out there, and I can't take them all.  

Be responsible and do the right thing! 


Image credit 

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