Why Travel Is Important

I wrote this on my journeys a number of years ago, I thought I'd share it with the Steemit community as it is something to think about. 

A positive attitude in life and outlook can seriously change the way you experience the world. So, here were some thoughts I gathered from my travels! I hope you enjoy! 

Share what you learnt through your travels below!

"People say how amazing it must be traveling to all these spectacular places, meeting these amazing people along the way & having these experiences. I thought about it for a moment and although they were right in what they said, its not the reason why traveling is important.

The reason traveling is important, is because it demonstrates the power of your attitude. When you go and travel your attitude is different to when you live your “normal” everyday life. You go into the whole experience filled with positivity and excitement. It is this positive attitude, that makes the places you visit amazing, those people you meet more unique and the experiences you have more memorable. You become child like again. You view the world through open and inquisitive eyes. When you travel very few things get you down and if something does you brush it away as part of the experience. Or you cry for a minute or two but then another minute later your smiling again with positivity and enthusiasm ready for the next adventure.

You see no matter how far you travel, a monument is still a monument, a mountain is still a mountain, a building is still a building, no matter what it is or where it is, it is the same whether it is in your hometown or on the other side of the world. The only difference of you standing in front of a monument in Italy compared to a monument in your hometown, is your attitude. The sad thing is once the traveling is over, you are back into that same repetitive attitude you always had. Things are back to “normal” , the roads you drive down every day are dull & everything remains the same.

It says something about how we perceive our everyday lives, it is this negative attitude towards the everyday things we all must do in life that bring us to lead a life of frustration and dissatisfaction. The next time you drive to work take in each moment as it comes along, appreciate the man mowing the lawn just like you appreciated the busker in the streets of Paris, appreciate the group of pigeons gathering on a tree just like you appreciated feeding the pigeons in Venice, appreciate the traffic your stuck in the way you sat in amazement of the amount of taxis in New York. You may notice, if you do not fight the moment, accept it for what is & see the beauty in even the most mundane things. That this small change in attitude can be life changing. That is why travel is important, it shows you the power of attitude. "

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