Never, Never Give Up (An Original Poem)

Sometimes I lay on my bed
Late at night
Unable to sleep
I wonder what tomorrow brings

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The day has been tough
Facing one problem after another
With no solutions in sight
Will tomorrow be better

I have tried my best
But progress seem slow
How long will I be stuck in a rut
Before the way forward becomes clear

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I am hanging in there
Refusing to give up
For I believe in myself
To create my own destiny

Failure becomes my teacher
I move forward each day
Now my dreams have become a reality
Because I never, never give up

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About this poem:

Everybody has experienced at one time or another low points in their lives. These tough and difficult times, where the problems seem insurmountable. As the saying goes “Tough times don’t last but tough people do.” So for all those who are facing tough times now, hang in there and don’t give up. Have the courage to believe in yourself despite what others may say or think. These difficult times will mold you into a stronger person. And one day without you realizing it, you are living the life of your dreams.

For me personally, I have been very disappointed that 2 of my recent articles earned less than $1.00. For a veteran minnow like me who joined more than 1 year ago and have more than 1,000 followers, this is a big blow me. However I believed in my mission as a motivational blogger and in spreading positivity one post at a time. Therefore I will continue with my mission and in time I will be able to touch more lives. If you believe in what I do, kindly resteem this post.

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