Positive Reflections: Taking Responsibility For My Choices and Actions, A Lesson From My Autistic Son

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The position that we are in now is the result of the choices that we have made and the actions that we have taken in the past. This is true regardless if it is our health condition, our financial position, the state of our mental health or the state of our career. A lot of us refuse to take responsibility for the position that we are currently in but instead like to play the blame game. In the blame game, we are victims and we blame others, our circumstances or make up some excuses for our current state of affairs. We feel that others are able to do better because they are luckier or they have a more loving and supportive family.

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We often fail to realize that choices we made and actions we take on a daily basis will have a cumulative impact on us in the long run. These choices and actions can relate to routine, mundane or critical matters for example to:-
Exercise more
Eat more healthily
Turn up to work on time
Start a savings and investment plan
Take self-improvement courses
Place more importance on family and friends
Watch less TV
Staying off the couch
Start investing in oneself
Take pride in the quality of the work that we produce
And the list goes on.

Once we acknowledge the power of our choices and actions, we will realize that we do have a choice no matter what circumstances we are in. Whilst it is true that we have no control over what life throws at us, we do have a choice in how we choose to respond to that situation.

Let me give you an illustration. I have an autistic son Jonathan, and that is beyond my control. But how I choose to respond to my situation of having an autistic son is entirely within my control. I must admit it was very difficult and painful. There was a lot of un-empowering questions that I asked myself such as Why me? Why is life so unfair? What have I done to deserve this? After a period of anguish and soul searching, I realized that I have no control over my son’s autistic condition, but I have total control on how I can help him and others in similar situation. To cut the long story short t, my wife Roselind and I founded the Sarawak Autistic Association together with other parents of autistic children. My wife was the founding President while I was the founding Vice-President. Today, the Association (the name has been changed to Kuching Autistic Association) has its own premises and offers various therapies and intervention programs to more than 80 students.

Premise of the Kuching Autistic Association.
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Therefore, if you are not satisfied with the situation that you are in now, take full responsibility for your choices and actions. Do reflect on what better choices and actions that you take to improve your situation. Don’t be a victim and take massive action today.

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