Steemians Ask Not What Steemit Can Do For You But What You Can Do For Steemit. Share Your Contributions And Every Comments Will Be Up-Voted

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John F Kennedy made this inspiring speech “Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country" during his inaugural address in 1961 . It was a call to the Americans for them to contribute to America. Instead of just relying on the Government, Americans too can play a role to help develop America.

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I have joined Steemit a year ago and my experience has been wonderful. The Steemians that I met here have been very supportive and helpful. I loved blogging here despite the fact most of my post do not earn much (usually less than $10). However Steemit has provided me with a platform where my voice can be heard as well as an outlet for my creative energies.

Therefore it is very appropriate and timely to ask ourselves what we can do for Steemit. Our contribution to Steemit can be either on our own or as a group. I believe that we all have a role in making Steemit a better place for all and help develop Steemit further.

For me, I contribute to Steemit by writing quality content which I hope can inspire and motivate others. I also put in effort to comment on articles written by others. It is my fervent hope that my comments will encourage others especially writers of quality content that have low earnings. It is a sign of my appreciation for the quality content that that have created. Comments also add to the depth of the articles and are a form of interaction among the users. As part of Team Malaysia, I help to curate quality posts written by Malaysians or other users writing on Malaysian subjects. I have also printed Steemit business card and during my Trans-Mongolia Trip I have distributed these cards to some of the people that I met. I promoted Steemit by explaining to them what Steemit is all about and asking them to join Steemit. I will be on the look out for opportunities where I can contribute back to Steemit.

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So how do you intend to contribute to the development of Steemit. Just write your contributions in the comments section and every comments will be up-voted. Steemit has great potential and if we all joined forces to contribute towards the development of Steemit, then Steemit can become the social media of choice.

Do check out my previous posts

Strange Sky In Kuching: A Sign Of Things To Come?
Let Us Dare To Dream
Trans-Mongolia Adventure : Frolicking In Idyllic Village Of Khuzir

Spreading positivity one post at a time.

If you like my writing please up-vote, share and comment. Please help me to spread the message of positivity and support on Steemit by resteeming this post.

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