Work-Life Balance: A Reality Or A Myth? And My Original Poem “The Journey Home”

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Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed my work. Besides the monthly pay check, my job also provides me with a sense of satisfaction and achievement. I am also blessed that my job gives me the opportunity to travel overseas as well.

In many jobs, we need to put in long hours and it can be stressful as well. The expectations of the bosses need to be met whilst we managed our subordinates. Clients can be demanding and difficult to please and our colleagues may not co-operative at times. Resources such as manpower and budget allocated to a project may not be sufficient. At times, unrealistic targets and deadlines are set. Therefore, with the increasing demand and pressure from work, is it still possible to achieve work-life balance?

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In the present-day work situation, there is increasing competition and globalization as we move towards a more borderless world. At the same time, with the present tough economic situations, companies are struggling to stay afloat. All these translate to mounting pressure and stress that employees faced at work. Companies are embarking on cost cutting measures and at the same time expect job productivity to increase. In addition, with the proliferation social messaging apps, employees are now at the beck and call of their companies.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in general job dissatisfaction is on the increase. At the same time mounting pressure at work has negatively impacted the health of the employees. A number of illness suffered by employees are found to be work related. A study conducted found out that when a person suffers from a heart attack, the probability of him suffering from a second attack is actually directly proportionate to the level of his job dissatisfaction. To put it simply, the higher the level of job dissatisfaction, the higher the probability of suffering from a second attack which maybe fatal.

Work-life balance is increasingly difficult to achieve as we need to put in long hours of work and faced mounting pressure and stress. After a gruelling day at the office, I look forward to going home where I can relax and destress. My poem below describes my feelings and emotions as I drive back home. After I have recuperated and re-charged at home, it is back to another day’s work at the office. This is the routine that modern day employees faced in the rat race.

The Journey Home

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I have done my work
I am on my way home
Meetings conducted and reports done
At home my worries are gone

I have deadlines to meet
And customers to greet
Problem solving skills put to the test
Coming home for a well-deserved rest

I have my KPIs and target
Only at home I can forget
I need to prepare the budget
If I retire now I have no regrets

Bosses are not easy to please
Neither do they listen to our pleas
The pressure is mounting
At home it is soothing and comforting

So how is your work situation? Are you able to spend quality time with your family despite the hours that you put in the office? Is work-life balance is reality or a myth for you? Feel free to put in your comments in the comment section. All comments will be up-voted.

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