Chinese translation of Steem White Paper (Genesis) - 1135 words completed (3)


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Project Details

Steem is a Delegated Proof of Stake blockchain that uses a "Proof of Brain" social consensus algorithm for token allocation.

Steem is a blockchain based social network platform. Content authors and curators are rewarded by cryptocurrencies for their contributions to the platform. I have been actively using Steem/Steemit for a year and have an enjoyable experience with Steem blockchain. It is a great opportunity for me to translate Steem White paper.

Contribution Specifications

Translation Overview

The Steem white paper only has 1 file containing 16,214 strings. In this submission, I have been translating “Steem Dollars (SMD)”, e.g. I have finished “Minimizing Fraudulent Feeds”, “Mitigating Timing Attacks”, “Minimizing Abuse of Conversions”, “Liquidity”, and part of "Sustainable Debt to Ownership Ratios". There are 1135 words in this submission and I have completed 21% of the whole project.


I translate Steem White paper from English to Simplified Chinese.

I am an IT professional with experience in cryptocurrencies and blockchains. I have translated several projects in Crowdin and have been promoted to proofreader in various projects by project owners. Here is my Crowdin profile.

Word Count

Before my submission: 2294 words (14%) have been translated.

After my submission: 3429 words translated. In this submission, no duplicate strings, links and code have been found except key terms, e.g. Steem.

Proof of Authorship

My translation activities can be viewed in my Crowdin profile:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column