I believe every one who know a little a bit about HK know the name “Kowloon Wall City”. Although the city had already been dismantled 20 years ago, it’s still full of charm in the eye of adventurers. In Japan, it is “Sin city of the East”. In comics and games, it is “City of darkness”. In HK, it is a stain of Hong Kong.
(photo credit to Mr. Greg Girard)
Today, I went to the Kowloon Walled City Park, the park built on the old Kowloon Wall City, and tell you the story of Kowloon Walled City.
Kowloon Walled City Park occupies an area of 31000 square meters, and preserved many historic relics that evoke visitors’ memories of the past. The Park is laid out in the Jiangnan garden style of the early Qing Dynasty, producing a green and peaceful environment studded with Chinese pavilions and ponds.
The first building we may see is the Yaman. It is the only remaining old building of the Kowloon Walled City and now become of exhibition of Kowloon Walled City.
九龍寨城於1847年建成,當年主要是為了針對英國進攻,加強九龍半島的防衛。直到1898年,香港正式被英國租借,九龍城寨成為中國在香港唯一的領土,但同年,英軍宣佈九龍寨城為英國所有,趕走了寨城內的居民和守軍,九龍寨城變成無政府狀態的鬼鎮。二戰後,香港政府試圖強佔九龍寨城,卻遭到中國全國學生示威遊行抗議,廣州市民更燒毀了英國駐廣州大使館及多個英資企業,英國最終放棄了對寨城的管治,寨城變成了「三不管地帶」- 香港政府不敢管、英國政府不想管、中國政府不能管。
Kowloon Walled City was built in 1847 to strengthen the defense of the Kowloon Peninsula. In 1898, HK become the colony of Britain. China had the right to exercise their jurisdiction in the City. But later Britain stated that the City belonged to them. After World War II, the HK government’s attempt to occupy the City with armed force had led to widespread student demonstration in China, culminating in the burning of the British Consulate and many British business premises in Quangzhou. Then the British opted a “hands-off” policy. The city become a city without a government.
(photo credit to Kowloon Walled City Park official website)
Since 1950, refugees from China moved to Kowloon Walled City. At the same time, a large quantity of drugs were processed in the City and exported throughout the world. Flourishing strip clubs, brothels, casinos, opium dens and dog meat stalls transformed the City into a notorious city of darkness. Various types of factories were established in the west side of the City. The opening of unlicensed dental clinics also boomed in the City.
(photo credit to Mr. Greg Girard)
In around 1973, more than 3500 police raids resulted in over 2500 arrests and over 1800 KG of seized drugs. After that, new order occurred in the city. More and more poor people moved in. With new modular structures built above the older ones, the city became extremely densely populated, with over 40000 people in 500 buildings occupying little more than 7 acres. The population with 1255000 per square meters.
(photo credit to apple daily)
There were 500 illegal building in the City, the street became corridor. People never see the sunlight on the ground. The hygiene was extremely bad and the crime was extremely crazy. In 1984, Britain and China embarked on discussions to solve the issue and announced the demolition of the City. The Kowloon Walled City was official open in 1995.
九龍寨城的內部猶如迷宮一般,大廈高低錯落,更因濫建潛建問題,寨城內的道路更經常改變。陽光完全被建築物遮擋,24小時都需要電燈照明,而由於九龍寨城不受香港政府管理,故政府並不對這裡供電,所有的電都是從路燈電纜偷來的。水亦然,40000人全靠寨城內8口水井維持生活。這無疑是個自給自足的小城市, 沒有經過專業的規劃,居民生活中的一切需要都可以在城寨內裡找到, 並且具有自發調節功能去滿足所需。
The Kowloon Walled City was just like a big maze with 20-30 alleys occupying 2.7 hectares with hundreds of through-routed between buildings. All the sun light was covered by buildings and electric light was needed 24 hours. As the City was not managed by the HK Government, there was no electricity supply and all the electricity was stolen from the cable outside. And there was no water supply from the Government. all the water supply was pumped from underground. We may say it was a self-sufficient city. Without professional planning, the residents solve their needs in the City.
(photo credit to Mr. Greg Girard)
Police were also afraid the go into the City. Many criminals liked to commit crime outside the City and ran back into the City. And the police could do nothing. Even wanted criminals from Asia stayed in the City.
But the city of sin attracted a lot of artists. William Gibson, father of cyberpunk, said, “Hive of dream. Those mismatched, uncalculated windows. How they seemed to absorb all the frantic activity of Kai Tak airport, sucking in energy like a black hole.”
Famous Movies like “Blade Runner”, “Matrix” and “Ghost in the Shell
“were also inspired from the City. Before the dismantle of the City, the Government gave the permission to Jacky Chan to shot his movie “Crime Story”. You may take a look if you want to know the real image of the City. Famous HK film director Johnnie To also grew up in the City. Many concept of his gangster movie was inspired from his childhood.
Although the impression of Kowloon Walled City to most of us is sin, I saw the position side of the City when I visited the exhibition. I saw the poor residents in the City struggle for life. They didn’t give up the living. They worked hard and lived hard, and dreamed of leaving the sin city one day. Dentists, workers, adults, kids, all were working hard for their new life. Just like famous film director Johnny To, who can imagine he can change from a poor kid in the City to an international film director?
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(photo credit to Mr. Greg Girard)
Again, I have edited a video. Wish you enjoy!
In Kowloon Walled City, I see the sin in HK. But I also see the fighting spirit of HK people. It’s the base of how HK becomes an international city. Now, the City is gone, is our fighting spirit also gone? I believe that there are still a lot of young people in HK working hard nowadays. But I can see that there are also a lot of young people only scolding the government. I only know, the one who may help you is only you. Even you parents, your relatives, can only help you for a while. And don’t day about the Government far away in the horizon.
Hong Kong, Work Hard!
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