Hong Kong Snapshot (26) (With Video) – Tang Lung Chau Market, a half-ruined market 香港随拍(26)(附有视频) – 灯笼洲街市,半废墟的街市


Today, Causeway Bay in HK is a shopping spot. We see Department stores, shopping malls, bazaars and boutiques everywhere. Products varies from International brands, trend clothes to daily products. In Jardine’s Bazaar, Center of Causeway Bay, there are lot of HK style restaurant and western restaurants. But strangely, In the street, there is a public market, a half-deserted market. Its name is TANG LUNG CHAU MARKET.



The name of Tang Lung Chau Market comes from a former island Tang Lung Chau Market. The official name of Tang Lung Chau Market is Kellett Island. It was a small island with no people living. In 1841, A small fort was built on it by the British for the protection of the eastern section of Victoria Harbour. And the name of the island was changed to Kellett Island. In 1938, the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club moved to the island.

本來的奇力島 Kellett Island (photo credit to Wikipedia)


Later in around 1970s, the HK government started the reclamation work and the completion of the Cross Harbour Tunnel. Kellett Island was connected to Causeway Bay. In 1991, a pottery jar containing large quantity of Chinese copper coins was discovered at the island by The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club. The coins were dated to Sui, Tang and Songdynasties (589-1279), which means there are people living in the island 1000 years ago already.

今天的奇力島 Kellett Island nowadays (photo credit to Wikipedia)

燈籠洲街市於1963年建成,當時是全港最高的公共街市,由於當時燈籠洲街市在沿海一帶,面向奇力島 (亦即燈籠洲),故便命名為燈籠洲街市。當時政府命令附近的小販全都搬進燈籠洲街市,但當年的渣甸街一帶甚少行人,且黑幫橫行,生意甚差,小販們搬進去不久後都選擇再次走到街上無牌擺賣,可見從一開始政府在這裡興建街市的決定的錯誤的。

The Tang Lung Chau Market was built in 1963. It was the highest public market in HK at the period. At the time, Tang Lung Chau Market was closed to the sea and can see the Kellett Island (Tang Lung Chau), so it was called the “Tang Lung Chau Market”. The government ordered all the bazaars around to move into the market. But there were gangs and seldom people, the business was bad. So the bazaars all moved out again. We may see the decision of the HK Government was wrong building the market at this street.

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燈籠洲街市 The Tang Lung Chau market, 1963 (photo credit to docomomo)


Following the development of Causeway Bay, it becomes a shopping spot. The residential houses become the commercial buildings but the Tang Lung Chau Market still exist. Actually starting from 2000, the empty ratio of the market was already over 70%. The government needs to subsidy $1,000,000 each year to maintain the operation of the market. In 2007, the government finally planned to close the market but in 2017, the market is still here.



Today I visited the Tang Lung Chau Market. I could only saw around 10 bazaars on the ground floor still opening. Going to the 2nd floor, it was blocked. As there is no security, I went into it. There was already nothing but only few ladders. There was a small chair beside the stair. It should be the security but he was gone. Yes. How can a normal person keep guarding such an empty place hour by hour?



But I got a question. The deserted 2nd floor of the market was clean, no dust, and no spider nets. The floor had been left empty for 10 years. Did the government hire people to clean such an empty place for 10 years!?



A video of my adventure for you


Recently many residents reflect that the Tang Lung Chau Market can be reconstructed to restaurant or even bid it out. But 10 years passes, the Government did nothing. This is the efficiency of the HK Government nowadays. Actually not only the Tang Lung Chau Market, there are also 3-4 public markets in HK facing the same situation. And the government see nothing and hear nothing. I am really worry about the future of Hong Kong.


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