The Steemit Gift Economy: What is it all about and what can you offer?

Steemit: The Gift Economy based on a Collaborative Community

This is a blog about the Steemit community, the gift economy we reside within, the range of gifts being offered in the community, and ideas on how to place yourself/myself within it. Firstly, an introduction to what a Gift Economy is and a short section on communities.


The gift economy idea

A gift economy is one in which services or goods are given without an agreement as to a suitable payment or trade to be made in return. source

An economy based on giving in the context of relationship rather than making transactions simply for profit or personal material gain.... Altruism is sometimes viewed as the basis for spreading wealth throughout a gift economy. However, the individual giver actually benefits indirectly. For example, social status and support in times of need may be obtained by those who give to others in the group or community. source

The key points being:

  • The 'work' is done without an invoice
  • The giver can benefit indirectly via social status
  • The giver can receive support from the community if things get tough

And here is a TED-Ed 4 minute video on YouTube if you want a little more background on Gift Economies:

A bit on Communities

A social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage source

A social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests source

Here, the social group is you guys, and the locality is Steemit.

So the money is the gift, right?

No, I don't think so. Not in most cases anyway. Sure there are instances where the community members may ask for this financial gift, for themselves or others close to them, but in the context of this blog I see the gifts as being what is offered when the 'Post' button is pressed.

Providing for the community - May the Gods appreciate your work

From what I've seen over the past year, here are some of the gifts offered on Steemit:

  • Applications and how-to guides
  • Community 'Policing' services
  • Important news effecting the community as a whole
  • Finding causes for the community to focus its attention on - members in need, and other people in need
  • Providing entertainment and laughs
  • Sharing your life, experiences, and opinions
  • Offering recipes and photos
  • Creating competitions

and to a lesser extent

  • Sending a message offering services, for a fee
  • Your friendship - in return for friendship

and in no way a gift at all

  • Spamming of the community members
  • Taking from the community without planning to offer a gift to anyone but yourself (multi-account up-vote pillaging)

The list isn't complete, but it gives an indication of the different shape and size of gift you can offer. Some gifts will be gratefully received by many, others by only a small sub-section. Good! And of course, it is totally allowed to give more than one type of gift. Just do what you enjoy, and what you think the community would gratefully receive and require.

Get this combination right and you will know about it....


Imagine you are a Steemit Whale

Looking out for the prosperity and welfare of the community.... (I assume here that all Whales are good) What do you see on the new page? What gifts are displayed? What will help the community grow and the gift economy prosper?

Which gifts will be of most benefit and use to the community?

It is these questions that are being asked by our founding members when they browse the offerings from the community.

So what can you offer?

Anything you like!

The community is rich in many areas and so for example, starting out as the new 'excellent photographer' in town could be tricky. Maybe you want to offer yourself as a community health and safety officer, reporting bad deeds such as abuse of a member or the system. There are members like this, so maybe you can collaborate with them as it will be easier than going alone. Or maybe, you just have a lot of comedy inside you and a different outlook on life. There is always room for laughter in every community.

Remember though, The founding members are likely to be looking for gifts that are likely to enrich the community as a whole.

What about me then?

Well, I'm still figuring it out. I'm not a programmer, neither am I a good cook. In the past I've offered a little insight into my life, blogged about music that makes me shiver (too many times some might say!), posted about cats, parking, personal depression, the stock market, and more. You could say I am a jack of many trades, and a master of nothing. This would be fair I guess, but I'm still learning my place.... like many of us.

And guess what? I've been a part of the community for 1 year today....


Finally, I have some ideas for the future and I hope you will join me there, but for now..

Steem on with your gifts and do the community proud!

Thanks for reading today



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