Boxy Charm for August 2018

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It sure is a I right? Well, Mondays are good though. Caleb and I go see my grandmother on Monday's and Caleb practices his reading to her. It's kind of like hitting two birds with one stone, whereas he gets to practice his reading for his homework and my granny loves to hear him read and visit with her. So Monday's aren't bad for us, they are just a little tough to get moving at first.

Today however, we are going to the hospital to visit granny today. When her stay is over, we believe that they will be putting her in a nursing home for her care. I had offered for her to come stay with us, but we were told that she needed 24 hour care and being that the hubs and I both worked, it wouldn't be suitable for her to be by herself during the daytime.

While we are all sad to see her leave her home, I think knowing there is a round the clock care for her, makes us more at ease. Plus we can come and see her at the home anytime we want, it's no farther of a drive than her house. I think that she's at peace with going because she has friends who already reside there and mostly she won't feel so alone anymore.

Well, that's enough of that for today, let's talk about why you are really here.....It's time to show off what I got in my Boxy Charm box for August!!

I must say that I had been secretly thinking to myself, "they always seem to put eye shadow pallets in the box, but they are always neutral....why won't they pick some color". Well my friends, I got what I deserved....just look at the bright colors of this pallet.


I guess the Law of Attraction took me very seriously.......I manifested some straight up colorful shadows this month. LOL

So this is the Laura Lee Los Angeles Party Animal pallet, and it list for $19 US.

These color of shadows are not common in Boxy least not for my boxes. I was a bit taken back by how bright the shades were, but I went into playtime mode and made a look that I actually love. I did bring in a neutral brown color to use in my crease though. And even with the brightness of the colors, the look I made was still manageable (for my taste at least) and I was perfectly happy to leave my house with the boys and head off to the Marvel Universe Live show last Sunday wearing this exact look.

The quality of the shadows are nice, especially for the yellow and two blue toned ones. But it seems as the farther you go back, the more flaky and hard panned they became. The orange was ok, but the pink and purple were not soft at all and you can see the flakes on my arm from the purple shade. That one purple shade wasn't too easy to work with, because it was so hard and gritty. But I did manage to get it on my eye and then clean up afterwards.

Moving on, the item next is the ncLA So Rich Lollipop Cuticle Oil that retails for $18 US.


I wasn't super excited for this item. I use lotions multiple times a day and my cuticles are never really in need of much extra care than that. But I did put it on my nightstand (next to my lotion) and have been using it for the past two weeks. To be honest, i really don't notice anything. But again, I use lotion multiple times each day, so I don't think my cuticles could get any softer than they already are...but I will keep using it. On the plus side, it smelled fantastic!! I have never had cuticle oil smell like vanilla cupcakes...I liked that part of it. LOL

Next up we are going to dive into another item that I didn't care too much for. It's the Wander Beauty - Baggage Claim Golden Eye Mask. They retail for $13 and it includes a set of 3.


These are super cute to look at. They are really a reflective gold color and just remind me of that gold paper that people use on crafts....I can't think of what it's called, that flimsy stuff. Anyways, these are very golden, but like the cuticle oil, I am not one who has issues with bags under my eyes, blue colored circles or puffiness really. I mean, I do get puffiness when I have a bad allergy day, but for the most part it's not something I have an issue with. So while I did use them and they felt nice on the skin, I just didn't see a difference.

One thing that I did not like however, was that they were a little hard to take off. I don't know if I kept it there too long and it dried or something, but it wasn't a nice gliding off like most eye mask would. I don't do the tugging of the eye thing.....and I had to with these. So they are a no go for me.

Next up is the Bang Beauty Chocolate Eyeliner. It retails for $22 US.


Ok, this was a winner and a fail at the same time. I could not use this as an eyeliner. It did not glide across my lid hardly at all. I have used $3 potted eyeliners that were magical unicorns dancing in the sun compared to this one. (How'd you like that analogy?) It was too dry to be an eyeliner. BUT, the box said it could be a cream eyeshadow and a brow pomade. So that's just what I did. I used it as my base for the colors of the eye makeup look I did. My shadows didn't crease and they stuck quite nicely with the tackiness of the potted liner, so I can't complain about it being a cream shadow. But I was more impressed by the brow pomade. I did my brows with the liner in the photo above, and I really think they turned out nice. I think the color was a smidge too warm for my natural brows, but overall it was a great product for my brows.

Alrighty, let's talk more fails, shall we? That's just dismal of a tone.

Now the next fail had nothing to do with the product. It's the Becca Light Filtering Brightening Primer that retails for $18 US.

When you sign up for Boxy Charm it will ask you of your skin texture, tone, etc. As usual I put that I am oily skinned. They had sent some people the Becca matti-fying primer and others the skin brightening primer. I got the brightener.


I was bummed...but I used it anyways. I thought that it helped to blur out the pores some, but I am not seeing the brightening part. It looked to have a little glow or something in it, but it wasn't glitter. So I don't know, but I think that it was preconceived thoughts because I wanted the matte on instead.

Okie dokie, last item I received was the Smashbox Be Legendary Lip Pigment....and was it pigmented. Retails for $24 US.


You will see in the photo above where I applied it to my lips and blotted it twice afterwards to give me the rosey color, that is still very bold, but much lighter. But in the swatch it is actually very dark and rich in color. I like the color of this pigment, but it's not a liquid lipstick, it's more like a very richly pigmented gloss. So you have the bold color that a liquid lipstick will give you and the comfortable feeling of a gloss....HOWEVER, you will be constantly checking to make sure it's not a smeared mess very often because it is not a stay in place type of product. I don't personally like glossy type formulas in bold lip colors, they are too much hassle and worry for me. But if it were a lighter color, I'd be all over this product.

And there you have it friends, my Boxy Charm for the month of August. My total value of all the products added together was $114 US. That's not too shabby for me, especially if I only spent $19 US for it.

I am overall happy with the majority of the products, some are going to the "niece basket" (this is where I put my stuff that I try and don't like for my many makeup loving nieces to try out).

Do you subscribe to any box subscription? Let me know in the comment section below. I'd love to know what your favorite products are in your subscriptions.

If Boxy Charm is something you would like to try out, you can use my link below, there is no pressure to use it, but if you do, thank you so much!

I will be back again soon, until next time, take care.


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