What is happening and what will happen in Venezuela. Pt 2.

Hello Steemers, today I come to discuss the realities, personal opinions, opinions of professionals that has happened to 8 days after the new monetary cone came into force and the whole row of economic measures imposed by the Government of Nicolás Maduro. Taking into account that here in Venezuela it is impossible to analyze the measures they impose every day since EVERY day they launch a new one and thus keep the busy people assimilating the most influential economic measure, the psychological blow generated by having to subtract five (5) zeros from Bolivar and that the minimum wage is anchored to the Petro (PTR).


We begin with Tuesday, August 21, 2018.

This day came into force the new monetary cone, the Bolivar went from being Bolívar Fuerte Bs.F (3 zeros less in 2007) to Bolivar Sovereign Bs.S (5 zeros less), that is, if you in your bank account had BsF 1,000,000, as of August 21 you have Bs.S 10. This situation generates a lot of confusion in the population since the town is saturated with so much information, let's add to that the bad nutrition and when they are given information of this magnitude they do not process it quickly.

The "opposition" called for a national strike and according to local media, was respected in about 75%, my opinion is that the traders did not open this day (many today have not opened and others closed permanently) by economic measures that the Government imposed on Friday, August 17.


Of these measures the most important for the commercial sector, without a doubt was the salary increase from Bs.S 30 to Bs.S 1,800 an increase of more than 6000%, to further aggravate this situation, the government ordered that it is forbidden to increase prices. He made known the value of the Petro (PTR) and how its anchorage to the new economic system will rule in the country. A Petro will be equal to Bs.S 3,600 and the minimum salary of 1/2 Petro is to say Bs.S 1,800.

On August 19, Maduro announced that the minimum wage will take effect from September 1. The first month will be paid in three installments:

  • September 7.
  • September 14.
  • On September 30 and in October the payment will be regularized every fifteen days.

The government informed that for 90 days they will subsidize the payment of the payroll of the small, medium industries to the small and medium businesses.

When the government assumes these payroll as its own, the only thing it will generate is more public spending that in turn generates more inflation.

How does that work?

  • Companies must submit their payroll to the Ministry of Finance in order to assume this payment.

  • With this the government takes control of the payroll, companies and workers must register in the Patria.org.ve system and the Tiuna system of the IVSS (Venezuelan Social Security Institute).

  • There are 90 days in which the state, in addition to already having control of the entrances, exits of merchandise and money, now also will have in its control the employees of each company.

What is the Government's plan with all this?

End the little private company that still operates in the country.

Other economic measures of day 17:

  • The VAT increase from 12% to 16%, leaving food and medicines exempt.
  • The income tax declaration (ISLR) was monthly, now it will be weekly.

This is because the government needs Bolivars in some way, to pay the bonds of the country's card (I'll tell you later about this) and maintain the social missions (which serve to keep a large part of the population as puppets or zombies) since the oil rent does not generate enough, the fiscal form can be the solution.

Ok, let's continue with day 21, at 5:45 pm there is a telluric movement in Sucre State, international media say it was 7.3 on the Richter scale, according to FUNVISIS (Venezuelan Seismological Research Foundation) it was 6.3 and in the night they corrected that it was 6.9 on that scale. Luckily for all, there were no human losses. (A natural or epidemiological catastrophe would be the worst thing that can happen to Venezuela at this moment.)


Now let's go into what I like the most, analyze the measures and then see their consequences.

The government regulated, 25 products of the basic basket and sent the SUNDDE together with the security agencies to the street to supervise and ensure that no company sells above the price stipulated by them and if in any case any company does not have regulated prices, the managers will be stopped.


We all know (many people do not remember) that since February 2003 we have regulated prices, which caused a great shortage of these products and it is not the fault of the production company or the distribution company, it is all the fault of the Government of Venezuela, which It has ABSOLUTE responsibility and control of all national production. And this time was not the exception, see how some establishments were and what happened to supermarket managers after this price list came out in Official Gazette No. 6,397.

Franchise of pharmacy and sale of articles in general at a national level, Caracas.


Franchise of Supermarkets nationwide, Merida.


It is not called capitalism, it is communism of the good.

Until this Friday, August 24, more than 200 businessmen, managers and business owners had been arrested throughout the country, accused of crimes against the economy and the nation's recovery plan.

Today Tuesday 29/08/2018 there are more than 400 detainees nationwide, for the same reason.

The country's card.

This card is used by the government to threaten and intimidate public employees and the general public incapable of thinking, everything to live on.

It has a QR registration system similar to that used by many companies and many cryptocurrencies, with this code you register in your Android App to claim the bonds that the president delivers.

Have all your personal and family information, now you will have the ability to pay for gas with the QR payment system that is supposed to be implemented in service stations nationwide.

Citizens with this card have recently been granted a Bonus of Bs.S 600, called "Monetary Reconversion Bond."

Yesterday, Vice President Delcy Rodríguez announced the supervision and restriction of social networks in the national territory... We can already have an idea of ​​how that will end.


It is no secret to anyone that Venezuelans who have been able to escape from communism send remittances to their relatives here in Venezuela, the government is needing another source of income to keep the bonds and missions running, for that reason it has opened the exchange houses again. national level, fixing a rate of Bs.S 60 per US dollar, while in the black market it has a current rate of Bs.S 110. SUDEBAN has ordered that remittances must be through exchange houses and not through inter-bank transfers of natural or legal persons (As if they still needed more control over everything we do, now they will also go over remittances).


To try to summarize, here are some of the most important points:

  • Closure of shops: Many stores have not opened due to the uncertainty of the profit margin in the products to cover the payment of the new salary increase.

  • Shortage: You already begin to notice the absence of regulated products, such as beef, was achieved until last week in * Bs.S * 100 x kg, now it does not exist.

  • Social disaster: Through the RRSS videos have been observed where there are people in the vicinity of shops demanding that the imposed prices be respected. The Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), Diosdado Cabello @dcabellor, made a warning call in his latest program "With the Dando Mazo".

  • Dismissal of workers: Some businesses have dismissed some workers for not being able to pay them the new salary increase.

  • Detentions: State officials have arrested more than 400 managers and supermarkets.

  • Nervous purchases: Many people have taken advantage of the adjustment and payment of the new currency conversion bonus to buy everything they can, others have gone out to buy products desperately for fear that this will generate more shortages.

  • Increase in the price of the parallel dollar: Before the conversion was quoted in approximately Bs.S 60 or * Bs.F* 6,000,000, today according to references such as DolarToday, AirTM, is being quoted in Bs.S 110 or Bs.F 11,000,000.

All the profits generated in my publications and the private consultancies are destined to pay for my specializations that I am doing as Bartender and a specialization in Barismo that begins at the end of next September. Currently, both have a cost of $ 85, but I do not have the necessary resources to afford them. If you want to help I leave my Byteball wallet and my DASH wallet in addition to any donation here at Steemit will be well received.

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