Contest: Celebration of Saturday n. ° 5 "VENEZUELAN CHRISTIAN BODY"

Hello friends!
I love the opportunity that our friend @reonlouw is offering us by sponsoring a contest where we must tell about an interesting / different / unique wedding ritual or wedding ceremony in your country or culture.

If you want to participate, enter here: competition Saturday Celebration #5


I have a relationship of 07 years and future wedding plans, because at present it is very difficult to specify our wishes and dreams about the economic situation of my country.


The wedding must be performed first for civil, It is held in the registry office or in a private place, before the prefect, judge or mayor.
It is a mandatory procedure and the one that transmits the real matrimonial rights.

Then the RELIGIOUS CEREMONY is celebrated, this will depend on the religion of the couple.
In my wedding plans because it is a Christian celebration it can be done in the church or in my case it will take place in the main hall of the Thermal Baths Spa Hotel where the altar will be improvised.
When the ceremony begins it is set with instrumental music for family and friends to wait. The first to arrive is the groom with his mother, then the bridesmaids, then the pages, then a girl who will throw flowers petals for the bride to walk on.
With the couple in front of the altar next to the pastor, a child arrives carrying a bible. This will be the bible that will be kept in the home of the new spouses.
Marriage vows are made, the bride and groom can be guided by what the pastor says or make personal vows.
After this comes the celebration that is a party, where to make an abundant banquet, dances are made, the cake is cut and the crazy hour.


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