There's Nothing You CAN'T Do!

In my experience as a fitness coach, I’ve found that for one reason or another, it’s not uncommon for people find a way of talking themselves out of reaching their full potential.

Although it’s not my usual jam, today I’m going to give you a little tough love, get right to the point, and tell you straight up to cut it out.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard from clients that they know they “just can’t” achieve this or that.

Whether it’s blaming genetics, body type, metabolism, age, schedule… I’ve heard it all.

It really bugs me when someone decides that something they want isn’t a possibility for them. It’s my feeling that with that attitude you can be almost certain that your goals will remain forever out of reach.

I think that at the heart of this issue is the idea that people find comfort and security in their present situation by mentally ruling out the possibility of more.

I’m definitely not saying that you shouldn’t appreciate the progress you’ve made, or celebrate where you are in your journey right now, or love yourself unconditionally.

All I’m saying is that it’s time to stop telling yourself what you want to hear.

Of course it’s easier to tell yourself that putting in tons of hard work is futile, because the outcome that you really want is “impossible.”

The thing is, it isn’t.

Hard work can be scary, especially if you have a long way to go to reach your goal. I totally get that - any task that requires lots of effort, discipline, and change can be very daunting.

Fear of failure, fear of the challenge, fear of judgment… So many fears hold us back from going after what we really want. It’s natural to feel that way, but continuing to exist in that mindset just doesn’t promote progress or success.

Don’t be afraid of setbacks, embrace hard work, and rally people around you that appreciate and commend your efforts. Whatever message you tell yourself that is continuing to hold you back, don’t allow it to have that power over you.

These fears only hold us back if we let them!

Stop taking the easy way out. Stop telling yourself what you want isn’t in the cards for you, even if getting there will take a lot of effort.

Decide what you want, believe you can do it, and then strategize.

Take all of the energy you expend thinking about reasons you can’t achieve what you want to, and put it into figuring out HOW you’re going to get where you want to go. It’s as simple as that.

Don’t know how to proceed? Ask for help.

If you were sick and didn’t know how to get better, you’d consult a doctor, right? Same thing goes for fitness. If you don’t have the answers, search out someone who does!

Once you have your strategy mapped out, get after it! Prove to yourself (and others) that nothing is holding you back and you can do whatever you put your mind to.

Be the one others look to for inspiration. Break the mold. Become what you previously thought wasn’t possible.

There are lots of naysayers out there, but don’t let yourself be one of them. Lots of people will say with conviction that a goal can’t be met, but it’s just not true. With enough time, hard work and dedication you can achieve whatever you put your mind to. I’m not just encouraging you here either, that is actually true!

Six pack abs after 40, losing 150lbs through diet and exercise, getting your body fat into the single digits… Don’t tell yourself you’re not one of the people that can make something like this happen - everyone can make it happen with the right tools, approach, and mindset.

Whatever it is you think can’t be done, I assure you that someone with less starting material than yourself has done just that.

Henry Ford put it perfectly when he said, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Nothing is impossible. So stop saying it, telling yourself that message, and believing such nonsense!

What are your goals? Let me know if there’s any way I can help you achieve them!

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